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Everything posted by EdFred

  1. The difference is, it can come up in casual conversation or by my asking, it doesn't have to be announced. In my experience it is generally announced. Just like with the Christians and Monarchists you encounter. Do you ask them about it, or do they tell you about it? There's a subtle difference. Exactly.
  2. It wasn't an argument, it was a joke - laced with some truth. Maybe it is just the peoples' personalities I've encountered that feel the fact to bring up repeatedly they are vegetarian. There are a number of foods that I do not eat, but I do not constantly announce that I don't eat it. But every vegetarian I have met (probably over 50 of them) have felt the need to make it known to everyone around they are vegetarian - and repeat it, even though they've already told us. The same goes for pilots. As far as post 14, you're free to make that statement, and I will simply say you aren't looking at it close enough. Think it through, to the logical and and you'll see it.
  3. I constructed MunCraneOne and all the modules for my Munar base. I expect to have 8+ habitation pods, several science labs, battery stacks, solar collectors, light towers (of multiple colors), rovers, a fueling station for rocket and rcs fuel. Now I just need to figure out where to put the base on the Mun. Near one of the arches, the memorial?
  4. How do you know if someone is a vegetarian? They will tell you. (and tell you, and tell you, and tell you, and...)
  5. There is no winning this argument, but I present two biological traits we share with all terrestrial predators: 1) Binocular vision for hunting prey. You don't need depth perception to eat plants. 2) Canines for tearing into tasty delicious meat. But we truly are omnivores .
  6. Oberth effect basically means if you do a burn at a higher velocity your kinetic energy ends up being higher. Stripped down to the basics, if you are doing a gravity assist at a planet, and you perform a 10m/s burn at a periapsis velocity of 1000m/s vs a periapsis velocity of 100m/s, your energy return is higher when you leave the SOI. How? KE=0.5mv² I'm going to leave out a lot of extra math, because I think it gets in the way of demonstrating the principle. We are only concerned with the change we get by making the burn, and for simplifying things, lets say our mass is 2kg. So assuming our 1000m/s periapsis and adding 10m/s results in dKE = 0.5(2)(1010)² - 0.5(2)(1000)² dKE = 1020100 - 1000000 dKE = 20100kg*m²/s² If we do the same thing at 100m/s dKE = 0.5(2)(110)² - 0.5(2)(100)² dKE = 12100 - 10000 dKE = 2100kg*m²/s² We basically got almost 10 times the return by burning at a higher velocity than a lower velocity when leaving the SOI. There's a lot of other math involved in entering and leaving the system, but that's basically what Oberth says. So, when performing gravity assists, get your periapsis velocity as fast as you can - and you do that by making the altitude as low as you can.
  7. Tiny Rockomax radial engines pointed upwards to force your rover into the surface.
  8. Brought back to Kerbin my 9 Minmus Rovsplorers = completing the entire technology tree on Day 28 of Kerbal year 1, with 3012 science left over. Now, I'm going to launch missions to each body starting as the transfer windows come up for each one. In the meantime I will be establishing Kerbal colonies consisting of no fewer than 30 Kerbals on Mun and Minmus.
  9. The first question is, how much understanding do you have on what makes an orbit work? The second question is, do you know what happens to your orbit when you make prograde/retrograde burns?
  10. Oh, how I wish I knew this. I would create a node, see that it was off 5-10 degrees or so, delete, try again. This will make a world of difference! I already knew when the phase angle was, where the ejection burn was to occur, it was just a matter of placing the node correctly without having to burn additional radial dV to shift the orbit. Well, I know what I'll be experimenting with tonight!
  11. I ran into that using MechJeb. I just set the throttle limiter to counter that.
  12. Whoa, whoa, whoa. We can slide the node along our orbital path? (incomprehensible swearing and cussing)
  13. Assuming you are not using MechJeb and are creating your maneuver nodes manually: Do you... ...try and establish your plane of orbit and periapsis distance with your ejection/transfer burn and make no other corrections? ...get a reasonable encounter with your initial burn, and then make your final adjustment en route? ...get a reasonable encounter with your initial burn, and make your final adjustments while in the SOI? or something else? I started using MechJeb early on, but I've since gone back to doing it "old school." Also assuming no mods to place exactly where the node should be, how do you do it? I have Kerbal Engineer installed, so it tells me my burn is in, say 67 degrees, but it's still hard to place the node for an optimum burn. What techniques do you incorporate?
  14. Launched a string of pearls to Minmus. Nine 2-man landercans with a science retrieval rover since I can't find an interactive map with Minmus biomes like kerbalmaps has for Mun and Kerbin.
  15. Sent an armada of Kerbals to Mun. I hit all 15 biomes with 15 separate landers before the first week (Kerbin time) of career mode came to a close. (Thank you Kerbal Alarm Clock)
  16. Try to build lander a craft that can land on not so flat spots. Wider is better. I had the same problem early on. Everything would tip over. My last mission, I actually landed (and stayed) on the side of the canyon wall that is on the Far East Crater. Poor Bill tumbled on EVA, and slid all he way to the bottom of the canyon. But the lander stayed put. Was almost 45° angle
  17. Nor me? I started a new Career to see how quickly in Kerbin time, I can finish off the tech tree. 2hrs in Kerbin time, I had 7 ships enroute to Mun with 2 SciJrs, 2Goo, a thermometer and a Kerbal. I probably should have launched 1 for each Biome on Mun, but I didn't want to mess with 13 ships all at once. It's currently day 2, and I will probably launch the other 6, as soon as I get back to the game.
  18. When I've selected bi-lateral symmetry, and my mouse moves over a part with 4-way symmetry, and now it changes to 4-way. Not being able to quick save while moving across the surface in a rover.
  19. I think the landing gear issue is that they are triggered as if they are already extended, so they retract on the first keystroke of g, and then the second one re-extends them. I noticed this when I was launching Mun bas modules and they had gear down on Kerbin launch. Got into Munar orbit, hit g, the gear on the modules retracted, and then all of the gear extended on the second g keystroke.
  20. You aren't kidding. The first 9,000dV is easy.
  21. Oscar tank on one side with a little rockomax pointing upwards. I flip all my rovers, no matter how wide I make them.
  22. Not to laugh, but I did. I thought almost the same thing early on. It's not even close. It takes about 3 times the amount of dV to get off Eve. So, whatever you used to get into Kerbin orbit, you need to have DOUBLE that remaining. Not to mention Eve has higher gravity. There is no testing it on Kerbin to see if it will work for Eve. You need Mechjeb or Kerbal Engineer or another mod to give you a dV and TWR analysis. You'll need a dV of around 12,000m/s, and I aimed for a TWR of at least 1.3 on Eve. I used an orbit of 105km above Eve for docking rendezvous.
  23. That every time I go to dock, I am in the shadow of (insert celestial body here). That the up/down only rotate the view so far, and always end up stopping before the view rotates around to where I need it to be.
  24. I'm a forum Knoob, and just started after .23 was released. Scott Manley videos helped a lot.
  25. I think you need to connect from the bottom of the "outermost" tank, to the top of the next stack you want to drop. It appears that some of your engines pull from from multiple tanks, rather than the outermost tank.
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