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  1. I plant a flags around the launch pad flagpole in memorial. There's also the Jebediah Kerman Memorial Space Station for Science and Other Stuff (a terrible ssto experiment gone wrong) and the Patdon Kerman Memorial Space Telescope for Seeing Far Away Things and Stuff (munar landing "accident") on the current play through.
  2. Stupid question time again! I've been searching the thread and i can't find the exact answer I'm looking for Will the KAS pipe attachments allow transfer of megajoules between two or more landers on the surface of say, the Mun? For example a lander that's just a reactor/generator and a second one nearby that has the refinery or science lab. I know it treats two ships like they're docked together but I'm not 100% sure on interstellar compatibility. Also will i need to manually transfer fuel/resources between the refinery and docked empty tanks and/or setup fuel lines? Or will the refinery automatically fill the tanks docked to it Lack of EVA jetpack packs makes ground testing on Kerbin pretty tedious so I wanted to check before i spent a couple hours putzing around at KSC all night messing with pipes. Thanks!
  3. That seems entirely too obvious.... >_> Also explains why it was still UF4 once I finally got around to trying restart. I guess i was hoping for a dramatic fuel swap message. Many thanks!
  4. OK I read the wiki and I followed the instructions to shutdown the reactor and wait until it cooled to 0%. Now I can't get my reactor to swap fuels from UF4 to TF4. I have 2 totally empty uranium tanks ready to take the leftovers from the current reaction, and 2 full thorium tanks docked on the end of the space station. Is the issue thatthe fuel tanks are mounted to a modular girder XL segment? Or too far from the reactor? Or do i just have to wait a while? I click swap fuels and nothing happens and the reactor still says "EVA Maintenance Required"
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