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Everything posted by Spider0804

  1. It only seems to recognize 15 of my parts :/ I select all the folders and 15 parts show up, if I just select b9 aerospace or kw rocketry nothin shows up, tried re downloading. Checked antivirus.
  2. What I would like more than anything else is an easier way to delete ships, every day I have to delete about 15 ships that do not auto delete and I got to enter those super long codes. 5 of us play on the server.
  3. Can you select the specific parts from each mod? Or just the mod? With every mod I use I remove maybe half the parts that I see as fluff.
  4. If he does not sit in it wont the ship he owns be teleported away from his kerbals position? Nevertheless I will try.
  5. @inigma I can not dock in kmp with friends because they move around too much even on a dedicated server, but we have been making bases near or with eachother. I think it is probobly a problem with syncing, maybe when syncing another players ship the player with the better server connection should become the master ship and the other ship syncs according to that ship, maybe it would be more precise.
  6. So I just give them the "Map =" data to put in their text file? Kethane seems a bit harder to copy over, I see the seeds but not the save data.
  7. Where is the plugin data stored? I play KMP and I would like to be able to share my maps with my friends.
  8. @godarklight It all seems to work just do not have anyone place a strut on the ground and attach a ship to it because when I came in rage of my friends landed tank that was strutted it moved a bit and exploded.
  9. I would like to know if anyone has had any success running any of these addons without much added bugginess. Kethane Extraplanetary Launchpads Infernal Robotics Kerbal Attachment System ScanSat I have checked the server list but I suspect most people are doing what I do and just run a private server for friends.
  10. You know what would be super handy? Sharing sub assemblies.
  11. I stopped playing in early 0.18 and it could have been updated any time since then. It does not matter if it is not updated for 0.2 that is not what I am asking. As mR4Y said you are not giving me useful information in regards to the question. If you do not know you can just say you do not know, or just not answer with information that does not answer the question, and someone who does know can answer.
  12. Yes my main question is about when I played in 0.18 and below using DR the mechanical parts would glitch and be ruined if you went into warp without returning them to their starting position. The DR creator had stated this was because of the outdated script and he could not do anything until it was updated. So my question is not whether DR got updated, but whether this bug still occurs.
  13. Have they updated the mumech library and damned robotics yet so you can fast forward without them going all haywire? Edit: So my question is not whether DR got updated, but whether this bug still occurs.
  14. I see, well thanks for the info, I will give it a go when I wake up.
  15. Why do I have to switch and learn unity to fix a shadow problem. My model works, it has fuel, it has collisions, it has attachments in the right places and side attaches well. I just think the shadow is off on it. And I am asking for advice on how to tweak it. I am working with blender to further my goals and unity / javascript / c# is not a part of those goals.
  16. I am using blender and exporting the .dae + part.txt and texture/mesh folders.
  17. So I have been learning blender and after so much learning I wanted to try DOING! After about 15 minutes I had my part made and through some trial and error I eventually got everything to work right! Unfortunately I have a weird shading issue. Any idea what might be causing that dark shadow? Not that I do not like shadows but that seems like a bit much.
  18. Guns Of Icarus Online (Insane Zeppelin battles) Free Beta Keys! So I have run across the amazing game Guns of Icarus Online You choose 1 out of 4 zeppelin each very different with different weapon amounts and locations. Each zeppelin can hold 4 people but you only need a captain, AI crew can take the other slots though they kind-of suck. Next you customize the blimp with the type of weapons you like and take to the skies as a captain of your vessel in domination or deathmatch matches. It is in closed beta right now and if you go to the site DO NOT pay attention to the beta schedual, the server is open 24/7. If piloting is not your thang you can be a gunner or engineer with special traits to damage enemies or repair the ship. The development staff kindof implied that the servers would only be on at certain times but those were just dates for everyone to gather...so there is not a large playerbase on the off time right now. There are 400 keys left on this site, please come and join me on the game. If there is no one on please let me know and me and my 4 friends will pop on to give you a good show, there is also sandbox mode where you can test your ship alone. Website : http://gunsoficarus.com/ Beta Keys : http://ufbteam.com/en/forum/Actualit%C3%A9s/32824-Get-Gun-Of-Icarus-Online-Steam-Beta-Key.html Beta Info/Guide : https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1Z5zkxRD1NwudycXQxxJ4V_W8CLm7DsUb0jb-3YrXNuQ#h.s3jm32r7oin2 Instructions: 1. Reply to beta key thread (You have to make an account) 2. Get beta key from email 3. Click games in steam 4. Click activate product 5. Put in beta key 6. Enjoy P.S. At the map part, click the arrows to scroll through maps to see if anyone is waiting for a match. Otherwise you can click instant action.
  19. Ah not to toot my own horn but I managed to head to the crater on the other side and find a slightly higher peak. Sadly.... I currently have the game paused looking at a peak that is easily over 700 but i lost one of my solar panels and now for some reason when i turn off S.A.S. my ship wants to do a death spiral, so I will have to find it another time. Edit: Well i found out that by centering the globe and keeping S.A.S. on, then adjusting with W A S D only , you can keep even a out of control ship manageable...aslong as you do not turn off the S.A.S. anyway, so i headed to that peak...not over 700 but still.
  20. i tried landing on it but fudged it and slid down :/
  21. Ahem. I was not trying to find a tall peak...but just somewhere to land, and then i saw this mountain and decided to see if it was higher and indeed it was.
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