Way back when I was younger and stupider... Hehe. I was in the armed forces. Army engineers. Heavy construction equipment operations. we were given the task to dig a hole. X meters long, Y meters wide, Z meters deep. No problem, we have bigass bulldozers and excavators. 2feet down. Nothing but solid rock. broke a bulldozer before we gave up. sitting around said hole, we pondered, plotted, thought and ultimately we had an odd idea. why not do it like a mining company? Drill a bunch of holes and drop a bit of C4 in, and boom! Broken up rock. female butter bar Lt, blond, book smart as all get out, dumb as a post. Orders our explosives up. No biggie, we are alloted a certain amount for training purposes anyways. Order gets rubber stamp and we get our goodies. we wanted about 10 kilos of C4. someone moved the decimal. during the month of Back and forth, some high poobah did something to the forms. we got a hundred kilos of C4. okay. Instead of 100 holes with a. Tenth of a kilo, we made a hundred with a. Full. Kilo. Of. C4. Apiece. it rained gravel for a solid minute. At our spot a safe distance away. our hole was a little deeper than expected.