Those numbers look correct. Thermal Generators can use ThermalPower and ChargedParticles, and for determining their max power they assume they can get all of both. If there is a DC generator, that gets dibs on the ChargedParticles, leaving only ThermalPower for the thermal gen. So let's look at that upgraded Sethlans2: 1285MW total with 82% of it ChargedParticles. So that's 1053.7 ChargedPower and 231.3 ThermalPower. With just a KTEC, it gets all of both and converts it. Assuming enough radiators and sitting on the launchpad, it's ~55.7% efficient. 1285 * 0.557 = ~716. So that looks right. With just a DC, it gets the 1053.7 ChargedPower, converts that at 85% efficiency. 1053.7 * 0.85 = ~ 896. The 231.3 ThermalPower aren't used at all. So that looks right, too. With a KTEC + DC, the DC still gets the ChargedPower, producing ~896MW. The KTEC gets the ThermalPower, 231.3 * 0.557 = ~129MW. Again, looks right. Oh, and with KTEC + DC, the generators really can output over 1.6GW combined. For half a second or so until the ChargedPower/ThermalPower buffers are depleted. So I'm guessing the problem is "100% transmitter setting is the sum of peak output of all active generators"?