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  1. Looks like you used up quite a bit of fuel in the process of doing so too...
  2. I lol\'d at the article about atomic bombs....
  3. Have you tried \'X\'? It\'s made of cupcakes!
  4. Not to mention you are accelerating towards Kerbin when you enter it\'s SOI (in game, anyway).
  5. It reminds me of it, but the looks are probably about the only similarities... I remember having to use full hover during a rolling takeoff. It was fun though, not much different than taking the titanic through one of those red bull air races.
  6. The one technology that I\'m waiting on..... hm... Flash on one of Apple\'s mobile devices... then we enter Utopia.
  7. Mmmhmm, I think Trixie makes a good Scrooge...
  8. Satellites don\'t have a true squiggly orbit... they just use lots of fuel. Why do you think it costs so much to get something to low earth orbit and keep it there?
  9. A rocket\'s stability is the second most important aspect (not as important as the number of rockets, of course). If you\'re ever in a case where a rocket seems uncontrollable, I do something like following... 1. Find the guys who made found the SAS. 2. Create another rocket. 3. Put the guys who made found the SAS on the rocket. 4. Launch to the moon. 4a. If this rocket has stability issues, go to step 1. 5. 'Forget' your parachute.
  10. I wonder if RCS thrusters are enough to keep it up on a space plane. Oh, ramping off the mountains sounds like it would be really fun.
  11. But really, if you can get that to orbit the moon, you have won at everything in this game.
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