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Everything posted by Nuke

  1. i already nuke my saves every time a new version comes out. if i saved everything i did in ksp, and kept every mod, the game would take forever to load, crash, or be very unplayable.
  2. i personally think we should recycle dead humans back into the food chain. this would make excellent pig feed, since pigs will eat anything. the end result is more bacon, i dont see why anyone would find issue with that.
  3. what do you think they make gelatin out of. when you are eating jello, you are eating animal skeletons. theres a whole other market for entrails. aside from the food products which still exist (natural sausage casings), things like instrument strings, airship gas bags, and sheep skin condoms come to mind. you want gross, watch the episode of dirty jobs about animal recycling.
  4. im quite interested in lunar dmls machines. you could magnetically separate the iron right out of the lunar regolith and have a medium for printing metal parts. if you can find a way to separate the aluminum, lightweight metal parts. im also rather interested in concrete printers for building surface structures.
  5. an impromptu dark age would be good for the environment. of course it comes with the loss of hundreds of years of progress.
  6. i think they either require a complete overhaul or complete replacement. i dont really want to see them removed because they are really the only parts that look like they belong on a space plane in the stock game.
  7. the next 100 years will see the collapse of current superpowers and the atomic aftermath and dark age that follows.
  8. idk, whatever music the game uses, im just going to slide the music volume down to zero, and listen to my usual mix of johnny cash and darkthrone.
  9. the toolbar handles gui interfaces. its nice and all, will force mods to use a more standard interface rather than the hodgepodge of methods already used. however thats not what the op asked for. what op wants is a standard controls interface to access keyboard keys and joystick axes/buttons that lets you map mod functions in the same way the stock game has its control bindings configurable to the user. a good example is that gatling gun mod. to bind the controls for that mod, you have to edit a cfg file. it would be so much easier if a "fire gun" button mapping appeared in the games control mapping screen while that mod is installed. this allows the player to bind that control to a button in game. you could do this in a gui window, but now you have one interface for the games controls, and another for a mods controls, and other mods might implement their own ways to do the same thing. this of course leads to confusion.
  10. if you get a retail boxed cpu, they usually do. i mostly use the stock cooler. if you go with a third party cooler it would have to match the cpu socket type. its easier just to use the stock cpu cooler. id only ever get a better one if i was overclocking, or if i had heat issues, or i wanted to go liquid, or passive.
  11. i partitioned my 500gb 2 ways. 150gb went to the os, the rest was used for data. usage on the c drive seldom goes above 2/3. the idea is i dont put anything on c: that you will miss if it got deleted. things that need to be on the c drive, but i dont want to loose, are symlinked over to the d drive where they actually reside (i have batch scripts to set these up). this way if the os goes kaput, a format of c: results in no loss of data. i just re-install and run my batch script.
  12. getting away from the wntsl one thing thats not on it: make an asteroid observatory part. this part will allow you to discover and track asteroids in a large radius around the ship on which its mounted, much like the tracking station, just less stationary. this gives you a mechanism to detect more distant objects further away from kerbin. then just add more asteroid spawning belts to the kerbol system. you just have to do multiple instances of an already existing system. you of course have to take the detector out to where a belt intersects its radius to find anything. this should add an exploration aspect to the game, you have the means to find things, but no idea where to look. you could throw in all kinds of weird belts with eccentric orbits, or high inclination to make things interesting. the same system could be used to spawn (sparse) planetary ring systems.
  13. go with wired networks if you can. faster, less can go wrong, more secure. but only go that way if its practical. running a wired network in my house would be a disaster. too many floors, too many machines.
  14. problem is in many areas there is only one option. so you are pretty much at the mercy of the local isp. id even take a lower data rate if it meant unlimited usage. of course around here the low speed accounts have even more brutal limits. higher caps are marketed as a premium service. its literally set up so that there is no way whatsoever not to get screwed, you have to pay a fortune and watch your data usage like a hawk. some places have unlimited connections, but i hear these are actually on the decline.
  15. i think i would prefer to just solder flash memory packages right to the board. really what good is a socketed part on a space craft that will never be serviced by human hands. eliminate the weight of the socket entirely, and a point of failure as well. its ok for prototyping of course.
  16. those are things i feel have no place in a desktop machine. maybe in a professional workstation or server perhaps. but most of what im gonna be doing on it is playing games, making graphics, programming, and circuit design. none of that requires any fancy hardware. sli costs more than its worth, and i back files up to an external drive, so i dont need raid. i also prefer not to overclock outside of spec (aside from factory overclocked ram and features like turbo boost). i also find that air circulation is better in a small case, as opposed to a sparsely populated large case. all im putting in there is the mobo/cpu/ram, a modest video card, and an ssd. i have an old cube case build and it has the best airflow of any of my rigs, and only uses one large quiet case fan. so i am comfortable with the tight assembly. one thing when building something like this is that you have to be really careful with part selection, just to make sure everything fits. ive always been somewhat disapointed with the trend of ever increasing case sizes while at the same time diminishing part count and dimensions. i have cases that are just a big empty box with very little hardware, and fans cooling empty space. you get a big, loud, impractical build. im trying to avoid that if at all possible.
  17. some things: first off, you are going to need very big rotors, very high performance motors, or both in the thin atmosphere. second, you cant use off the shelf components if you want any kind of endurance. everything has to be rad hard.
  18. my old isp just piled up charges on my bill without offering any way out. my newer isp emails me when i get to 80% of my allotment, but wont block me if i go over. i suppose cutting your access and asking you what to do is better than a large surprise fee at the end of the month. you could probibly turn it back on with a large price per gb, but id advise against it.
  19. this is your isp telling you that you download too much stuff. i feel sorry for you when you get your bill. one time my sister came over and visited and watched netflix on her laptop the whole time. we got a $200 internet bill, she got banned from my router.
  20. micro atx is compatible with full atx. you might run into trouble trying to get a full atx mobo in a micro atx case, but the opposite works fine. i usually do micro atx but my next build is going to be mini-itx. i dont like monster cases full of stuff i will never use. it just seems wasteful. i found this case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811163231 it can accommodate a full size double wide video card (and not much else). im not sure what kind of guts will go into it, i will look into that when i get some money this fall.
  21. tdp is on the decline if you go the intel route. thats an 84w cpu and a 170w gpu. i usually figure out what the core components will use, and double it (there are also power supply requirements calculators all over the internet if you want to figure it out in more detail). a high quality 550w supply would work great here. you could probibly make do with less, but ensure that your supply is of high quality. its still correct that more is better than less, but 900 is overkill.
  22. i tend to lean that way myself. alcubierre drive has too many question marks right now to even consider what to do should it be possible to construct one (save it for the realm of science fiction). im more interested in the more physically plausible modes of interstellar travel and communications.
  23. ftl might very well turn out to be impossible. when you look at the alternatives, you really dont have much choice. if you send a generation ship (or a sleeper ship, or a relativistic ship, whatever) to set up a colony somewhere, it would be useful to maintain lines of communication with those colonies. it wouldn't really be communication as we understand it. it would be more like transmitting everything you could possibly send (for example news, the entire contents of wikipedia, scientific papers, music, movies, software, etc), as fast as you can send it, and let the other side sort through it all. there wouldn't be much in terms of dialog. i figure before we have working ftl drives (in the event they do work) we will have sent relativistic probes all over the place doing flybys of nearby star systems, and laser communication is probibly the only way to relay the data back to earth. then when we have ftl, flying hard drives.
  24. i kinda disagree here. since the engine has good characteristics in all parts of the atmosphere, that it is rather wasteful to stack it at all. its usually the first engine lit and the last to be shut off in all my designs. they make a good core engine cluster in asparagus launchers, and this would be greatly improved with thrust vectoring. i would only give it marginal thrust vectoring capability though (give it the worst gimbal range of all gimballed engines in the game though), and give it slightly better twr.
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