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Everything posted by awc.sorensen

  1. Wow, that thing is massive! How did you get that to Laythe???
  2. Thanks, that version fixed it! Keep up the good work
  3. Any updates on the FMRS/TCA conflict in the mod? Not pressuring, just asking
  4. I just don't like my rockets wobbling in space, that's why I use KJR, it helps a lot. Many a time have I had a rocket with a bunch of antimatter tear itself apart trying to turn to the retrograde marker. Someone already gave me a solution to the AM tanks, just change 'isTweakable' to true and it works just like every other tank in the game!
  5. Your reply wasn't up when I posted that... Thanks for the AM tank tip, it works good! However... I did try to get rid of the folder, it didn't do anything for me, I liked the black anyway I'm know that the KJR physics easing is causing this, it disables all input to the craft in order to halt all movement. All I want to know is how to lower the minimum speed of the warp drive! I know why the warp drive won't deactivate quickly, it's because of KJR!
  6. I have to disagree with you, since 0.23.5 I haven't had much luck with joint stability, it's okay with stock parts but when you load a few mods that haven't quite been optimised well enough you run into problems. That's why I'm saying I actually need KJR, because the physics stabilisation actually keeps my kerbals alive! I wish that it was easy to change the minimum speed of the Alcubierre Drive easily, it would have solved my problems long ago... Also why doesn't changing the antimatter tank from empty (Antimatter=0) to full (Antimatter=10000) work? It keeps giving me the Kraken, am I missing something?
  7. The highest I've managed to get was 640mg/sec and that was at 8Mm above Jool, given that Jool is a Jupiter counterpart it has an amazing magnetosphere and it currently hold the record in the Kerbol system! Here's a bunch of graphs that helped me find that sweet spot, http://imgur.com/a/g313g#0
  8. I'm not really referring to that, I know that ATM effects the warp drive texture but I was more referring to Kerbal Joint Reinforcement's physics stabilisation thing, where it actually freezes the physics when something goes on/off rails and stabilises all the joints on the craft. It does this everytime you enter timewarp or activate the Alcubierre Drive... It freezes for a set time and by the time it finishes I am past my mark for deactivating warp. All I want to know is if I can set the minimum warp speed to a smaller fraction of light to give myself more time to get more precise and on time warp exits. I would have thought it would just be a config edit but it seems as if it's embedded within the actual plugin. I also had difficulties with simple cfg editing to make a full version of each antimatter tank, (for testing purposes), using my basic knowledge of copy-pasting didn't do the trick and ended up screwing with save integrity/kraken encounters...
  9. Is it all possible to change some of the settings in the plugin, I've tried cfg editing some basic stuff like full antimatter tanks to no avail. The game glitches out and destroys save files. Is there a specific way to do this or am I just clueless? Another thing I've tried is lowering the minimum speed of the Alcubierre Drive so that I don't miss my mark when I use KJR, but I can't seem to find a way to do that in all the files in the plugin. The physics stabiliser takes a couple seconds and by that time I've missed the window to deactivate the warp drive... I really need KJR otherwise everything falls apart no matter the amount of struts, that or I end up accidentally constructing a circular space station that inadvertently never makes it off the ground at all... Any help would be appreciated.
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