I\'ve been hanging around for a bit but only just made an account a little bit ago so I could search the forums. I really enjoy KSP and the addition of Mun has added some much-needed direction to my rocket-building. Y\'all crack me up and I love it. I\'ll be pre-ordering it with my next paycheck to give HarvesteR some lovin\'. That said, I\'ve read a lot about features to be implemented down the road, but two (or three, depending on how you look at it) intrigue me the most: [li]Space Stations: I recognize that this has been listed in 'planned features' but how will they be implemented? Will it be ISS/Mir-style where parts are launched and assembled bit by bit over time, or will it be Salyut/Skylab-style where you have one go with a big rocket?[/li] [li]In-Orbit Vehicle Assembly: This is kind of a follow-on to the previous point: I\'m curious if, once a station is established, I will be able to carry parts for a vehicle (not a station) to be later assembled and launched from my station?[/li] [li]Multiplayer: I know this one has been talked about a lot and HarvesteR has said that it\'d be difficult, if not impossible, to implement. I am no CS-major (mechanical engineering ftw!) but I have friends who play this and I love the idea of--once more stellar bodies are implemented--being able to work with them on the construction of stations and vehicles and bases to further explore the universe and possibly profit from joint-ventures.; even something as simple as an Apollo-esque system where someone is in the lander while another is in the orbital module. What\'s the gouge on this?[/li] And a third (fourth?) would be: what\'s the economy gonna look like? There\'s a 'cost' box under every part, so how would I make money to buy them? Would the bases I build turn profit? Would I have to resupply the astrokerbals I hire (I mean, they can already stay in orbit for years and still smile at me)? Thanks again. I\'m sure I\'ve overlooked some meaningful posts around here that would answer my questions, so I apologize. At the very least, I felt the need to introduce myself.