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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Any chance of seeing more data sent out by the mod? - Vehicle mass, engine thrust / Isp - Pro/Retrograde, Normal/AntiNormal, Radial in/out, target/anti-target, manouver node vector - time to ascending/descending node.
  2. Hi, once upgraded to KIS 1.6 I can no longer drag an inventory item from one inline container to another within the same ship. Is this intended behavior? This is true even with a clean install of KSP 1.3 with just KIS, MM and CCK.
  3. Hi, I just started using this mod and has been wondering why I didn't do so earlier! Any chance of making the new antenna parts to work with the AntennaRange mod?
  4. Cool, I didn't realize some AR functionalities will be stock-ified.
  5. Just want to that I've been using this mod a little while now and I think it is a good simple way to add a little more realism. Right now all antennas are capable of performing the relay function assuming range and LOS requirements are met. My one suggestion is that there should be some way to limit the relay functionality, this way will force the player to actually make dedicated relay satellites. I see two ways of doing it: 1) The more realistic way is to add a "Relay Circuit" part, so an antenna can only act as relay if the relay circuit is also on the same craft. But this mean existing saved games will have no comm relays until the player launch new comm sats. 2) The simpler way is just to add a toggle on the antenna's context menu to turn on/off the relay function. This will allow players to retain their comm network in existing save games.
  6. Ah I see. I noticed there are some flight record type info in the roster section of the save files and thought FF will pick up on that.
  7. I just installed this but it doesn't seem to be scanning my save. All my kerbalnauts are showing 0 missions. I'm running 1.0.4 on Windows 10 with the latest FF version.
  8. I had the same problem, which I get around with saving the default layout of that page under a new shorter name "EECOM".
  9. Adding the standard gravitational parameters (G x mass) for all the Kerbol planets/moons as user defined constants for the scientific calculator app on my phone.
  10. Ah, I'm mostly in sandbox and just started science mode, haven't tried career mode yet.
  11. I've only been playing for a week, and still couldn't figure out what this is:
  12. Accidentally deployed chutes. Crashed, and immortalized.
  13. Very Kerbal attempts of the A-4 (better known as the V-2) rocket.
  14. Kerbal engineer #1: 'The problem isn\'t getting to the Mun.' Kerbal engineer #2: 'That\'s easy.' KE1: 'It\'s not easy.' KE2: 'Relatively easy.' KE1: 'Pretty easy. The problem is getting back.' - from the Kerbal Box Office documentary series 'From Kerbin to Mun' OK I can get to the Mun and even get back and splash down. But my Mun-Kerbin return trajectory always result in a very high orbit around Kerbin (peri-ker around 7-9000 km and apo-ker just outside of Mun orbit) when I exit Mun SOI and reverts back to Kerbin as orbital reference. This means I have to do another big burn in order to lower my peri-ker. How should I change my trans-kerbin burn so that I will end up somewhere closer to Kerbin?
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