Hi guys!
Although this topic refers to the KSP game, I looked at the contents of the forum "KSP fan works" and thought that I would get more support here.
Recently I was working on a document that implicitly demanded to consider the issue of water distribution in the Kerbol system. I got a lot of fun doing this job. It turned out that this document should consist half of the consideration of the issue of water. Now I thought that it would be great to create a separate document that will be completely devoted to the issue of water availability in the Kerbol system.
But I'm not a scientist and I can not be sure that all my explanations will be correct. I'm just a fan of science. In addition, English is not my native language and I am not able to express complex thoughts correctly. For this I need help to do this work. I hope you are the same science fans as I am and you will get a lot of fun doing this job.
Here is the original draft https://github.com/steamp0rt/Kerbalism/files/2056467/kerbalism-water-harvesting.zip
I want to ask the following people for help:
Editor - I suppose that the best candidate is a native english who does not have strong scientific background. To ask more questions and help make the document easy enough to understand for most people.
Consultants - anyone with scientific experience to help me create the most reliable and realistic picture of water distribution.
If you are interested in this proposal and you want to become part of the team to work on this issue, please write me a message that we could discuss the most appropriate approach for implementing this task. And of course, I will be happy if you just join the discussion of this issue directly in this thread.
Prof. Koberth
PS. As an advance of the idea, a little thought about Minmus. Probably this is crystalline hydrate. Something like copper chloride 2 hydrate or ferric sulfate 5 hydrate.