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Everything posted by TotalNewb

  1. Airbrakes! They can slow you down incredibly quickly, maybe even without burning up in the process.
  2. I used 25 mods, including b9, but mostly for enhanced prettiness. Now I only use 7, for better visuals.
  3. Very often I hear people saying that KSP crashes on them or runs out of memory. I've been playing since 0.17 and the game only crashed once, when I used hyperedit to teleport my ship to a 99999999999999999999m orbit. Does KSP really crash a lot?
  4. Video I cobbled together in 30 minutes, because I was bored.
  5. This thread is very amusing to read with cloud to butt. "on a planet that has no butts" "now their memory is butted" ​"You know butts are real" "I guess we'll never know the secret of my butts"
  6. *Clicks Launch* â—ÂTeleport to Launchpad â—ÂCrawl to Launchpad
  7. I don't get you people. Why does no one like driving at 0.5 m/s?
  8. No, why? Wouldn't you like to drive rockets to your launchpad? Let's add random failures while we're at it.
  9. 758: KSP needs to be sold to EA. They know how to handle game development, unlike SQUAD.
  10. 753. chutes don't work on the moon what is this bs i'm quitting
  11. What about bay12 forums? I've never seen anybody insulted, and we're always helpful to newcomers.
  12. About that beautiful screenshot, yes. I don't know who would hit you for saying that.
  13. It'd be pretty hard, considering I can't control him... But he looks pretty funny when I rotate the rover, he keeps doing the kerbal standup .
  14. If I could steer with AWSD and there was no chance of malfunction, why not?
  15. What about Fuel? I have 500 Fuel. And liquid fuel is, well...
  16. Tygoo7, that's a really cool photo! Send it to the dude who's looking for wallpapers.
  17. Put structural panels under exposed parts. It is for the best. The RTG takes the full force of the impact and the part explodes in gore! I wonder how many KSP players play DF.
  18. I used to be a purist like you, until I took a +kerbal engineer redux+ to the GameData folder, adding and replacing files through the folder structure! The player is blown backwards by the force of the blow! The player's cursor skids along the mod list, downloading some of them! The player installs more mods. ... A fever apparently helps creativity.
  19. Nah, it was discussed in another thread.
  20. I'd love to see Gene turn into a spider (kerbal under kraken influence) when you decline a contract.
  21. Dwarf fortress is about elephants, mass murder, killing nobles, building pointlessly large things for pure enjoyment, magma, alcoholics, Carp that molest short men looking to get a drink, easily killable ancient beasts with blood that causes your dwarves to explode in a few weeks, and cats that slow time down. Exactly 50 words! Now we have to derail a thread over there at DF forums to KSP to restore balance.
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