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Everything posted by PineApplePotatoe

  1. My game doesn't crash it just freezes in the VAB so if i try to exit the VAB or SPH tell me if you want a imgur picture
  2. So when i try to weld things my game freezes in the SPH/VAB but i can still move my mouse but i can't push anything any fixes?
  3. Can you give us a download with all the mods? cause well theres ALOT of mods
  4. can someone help me? the screens don't show up the cameras only do by cameras i mean the parts
  5. i love the game its awesome! ............................. but i don't have a single clue how to play it can someone help me??
  6. any chance someone can give me 0.13 i wanna do the dragster challenge again mmm i remember the deaths of my kerbals whilst doing it ^ or just a version early version with the SPH
  7. aww mah GAWD ITS BUDIFUW - - - Updated - - - also what about houses?
  8. jeff you saved my ksp life time to make ALOT more videos montages and stuff thank you!!!!!#@#QWE$%ERYTQWEETHGBRDT %^&^$%@##!#$%^&*(&^%$#@!#$%^&
  9. lol right when i saw the kerbtown thing i downloaded everything i saw
  10. awesome i love using kerbtown can wait until you finish the bridges!! cause i erm kinda killed bob jeb and bill
  11. awesome i saw this a while back and never saw it again and here it it! and are you going to make it for 24.2??
  12. dang jebs a girl again where do i put dat code again?!?!?!?!1
  13. not 24.2 i wanna go skydiving again and bring missiles to my aircraft carrier to bomb whoops i mean ugh erm candy i guess to rem the world?
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