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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. Zekes.....I.......don't.........even.....know. AWESOME
  2. I kid you not, I got Kirrim Kerman. Naturally, I made him my test subject-erm, test pilot.
  3. 'Nuff said. EDIT: Also, Zekes......What.....In........The..........Name.........Of........Jeb............Is........That...........
  4. I cannot dock. Oh, the shame. I actually considered using MechJeb once. Yes, you MJ users will disagree but I consider it to be "cheating" unless you've already got the hang of what MJ does.
  5. It's been there for.........41 years.........
  6. I've seen at least a dozen gaming communities, and there's basically there's only one that can truly compare with this one, TLDR, The KSP forums are awesome.
  7. No pics, but I returned Tomory, Gersey and Adly from Kerbol orbit (they had been drifting in a botched transfer mission from Minmus that got ejected into solar orbit by Mun) They have been orbiting Kerbol for 34 years now. Finally they're back.
  8. The MOOSE was a one man escape pod with heatshield, and my station needed escape pods, so I built this. It comes with a heat shield (aka Communitron 88) which hopefully will keep your kerbal safe from the fire. Note on flying: The thing will not fly without SAS, so keep it on at all times! Also, when you need to use it, 1. Decouple the pod MANUALLY. (Providing your kerbal's in the chair.) 2. Timewarp untill over wherever you want to land, point retrograde, fire SRBs. 3. Don't burn to ashes and deploy the chute. WeirdPhysicsTM may happen on landing and while your kerbal's out for a photo op, so remember to be careful and eject your kerbal at the first sign of WeirdPhysicsTM. EDIT: This is a subassembly.
  9. The Grasshopper tester from KerbX (er....SpaceX). It is used to test the Falcon 9 recoverable first stage, and here is it in KSP. It has a very high chance of blowing up the pad, as I discovered, so beware. Here is a pic of it after landing. Instructions: None really, it has 3 parachutes as well as rockets. Have fun! Download: http://www./download/9mder33wmeuixl8/SpaceX+Grasshopper.craft
  10. How in the name of Kerm does my rocket blow up the launchpad by sitting on it? I've put a bigger one down and the pad holds just fine........
  11. Well, they are heavy, what I would like from SQUAD are mini RTGs.
  12. Self explanatory- a segway. Amazingly flip-resistance as the reaction wheels can easily flip it back over even in Kerbin gravity. It also handles fine with a kerbal on board. Download: http://www./download/1s9x9geoi09992m/Segway.craft QUICK EDIT: The first picture does not show the final design, but shares the same basic design :2x the mini probe core, 2x wheel, an SIRW.
  13. Someone has already made a stock Segway, but here is my smaller variant.
  14. I don't know if anyone has done this yet, but here is my contribution: It's basically a crew cabin clipped into the MK2 cockpit with the short MK2-Mk1 adapter on the front.
  15. When your Gilly lander has enough fuel to do a GT minus Eve and Jool landing.
  16. KSP is not a game, it is a desktop wallpaper image generator.
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