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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103710-SpaceX-sea-landing-challenge%21 I'm sorry.
  2. My KIA list consists of one name so far: Jebediah Kerman.
  3. Where's the coorsinates for that? i'm sending a probe out to check it out.
  4. My naming system: For the "official" ones: [destination] [program] [number] Eg The third probe of my "Surveyor" program to explore Duna would be called Duna Surveyor 3 For the interesting ones: [famous person i like] [vessel type]
  5. Jeb:Now at the Dunar Research Outpost, scheduled to return home when the return craft gets there. Bill: Acting as test pilot after Jeb was sent out Bob: On his way to Duna with Jeb's return stage
  6. Tried it to send it to Vall, all went well intil i realized I was in a retrograde Jool orbit. Doh.
  7. Wow, look realy nice and original! TAKE MY REP ALREADY
  8. Nope, under 18. The user below me has a dog.
  9. Thanks MJ. EDIT: Your DreamChaser broke the game......you're gonna have to rebuild it from scratch.
  10. What I need is an Ares V powerful enough to lift it to orbit. Mine is pathethic. Downlaod link if you need it https://www.dropbox.com/s/mtm8wry2mwe61ua/MiniConstellation%20Lander%201.craft?dl=0
  11. Partnership with Moho Aeroworks? Your ships are.......awesome, and I"d also like to modify the X-37 for this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_X-40
  12. explosive decoupling. Simply fire up the Poodle engine and overheat the decoupler. i always end up doing this.
  13. Apparenty the midsize antennae make great pico cargo bays. EDIT: GusTurbo it seems your sig is broken..or at least the OSCTCA badge image is broken.
  14. No download link yet, at least not until I put enough DV in it to orbit.
  15. Granted. The box eats you. I wish I was invisible.
  16. I have a spacesuit. The next poster is in the middle of a couple of Zombies.
  17. Banned for......hmmm....... Blowing up my stuff. Yup, that sounds right.
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