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Everything posted by JokingHinge

  1. Scott Manley has a flying box, stop talking like far is stock.
  2. Okay, so I have an obsession with WW2 fighters and the ones that use swept wings tend to fail due to tailspins. Has anyone figured out the cause? (Still, even copy and pasting the code into a spoiler won't work because I don't know how to use them) Research progress: Here is a laythe ssto from a livestream that had this problem Note that at high speeds it went into a tailspin, this happens even with lawn dart type crafts. Before anyone asks I am a veteran at building planes with FAR, do not ask me about center of lift and mass. Again, the lift rating increases how much the wing affects the craft, the wingspan gives it a high tailspin rating, and higher speed activates the tailspin. I also think that this is a airhogger specific problem(Drag induced tailspin?). And just to avoid confusion, there are no flameouts in this example. Also the ksp devs made this intentional, as you can see in the description of the swept wing. It appears depending on how high your angle of attack is, the wings also make a tailspin. I have done no testing on how putting wing on top or below the craft affects this problem, feel free to take notes on what this does. Okay, I can't reproduce this with any other wing, I will try as hard as possible to reproduce with other wings. Okay, somebody make a chart, I just figured out how to calculate this. Look at my notes and do whatever it takes to research this thing. Sorry if I may seem like a jerk with all this updating. So, the swept wings have the least weight, it makes since for the developers to balance them by adding the mysterious tailspin value. The way to calculate it is solved, now we need to find out the cause.
  3. NASA should be given the funding of the military, their money is .48% of the entire federal budget.
  4. The general settings, I don't mind digging through files if I have to.
  5. And then we can harness the power of the Kraken to go 100,000 times faster than spacetime! May the best dreamer win.
  6. Guess another day of waiting for an answer is gonna pass
  7. I hope humanity is forced to leave earth in the next 10 years due to a massive extinction event, then finds out kerbin is the closest planet. Then, upon arrival, we land at KSC and become best friends with the kerbals. One can dream, right?
  8. American with mostly irish blood, and with an irish last name. Not sure if american or irish now that I think about it.
  9. This is anti-american propaganda, don't listen to it. You might just become anti-american just by looking at it.
  10. Never mind, I thought what you said would be utopia, but the death of kerbals just from my manned mission into jool would just be sad.
  11. The genetically-engineered part seems a little cruel, especially since I'm a kerbal rights activist
  12. I think having the pc version updated fast would be better than two seperate ksps
  13. I loved the game until it released the repair update 75% of all the players hated. Now the community is acting like the game is mlg players only.
  14. So I tried posting this on the official site and got no response, so decided to go to this community instead. Is there any way to reset the warband settings to default? EDIT: Fixed, for anyone having the same problem heres my fix: Go to C:\Users\(your user here)\Documents\Mount&Blade Warband then delete rgl_config.txt.
  15. Just make sure it lands in a junkyard and all the money will come back
  16. Wow, I just tested out a rocket with 4 angled engines and one of them turned off, the stabilization amazes me! Could somebody explain the physics of that?
  17. What does angling engines do other than prevent engines from hitting parts of your craft? I see small engines angled on one of the images of the soyuz rocket.
  18. Interesting challenge, I'm gonna make an entry whenever I get the chance.
  19. Yeah, but isn't it like an instant fix if you just make a tweakable for it?
  20. I have used the claw to make some machines, but getting things set up is way too hard. What if we could have a tweakable to set it to start open, then once you do that, it gives you a node to attach stuff to it? Ignore the possible grammatical errors above
  21. My ornithopter that doesn't use the infiniglide bug Old version http://imgur.com/a/xIRc4#0 New version http://imgur.com/a/1P1I6#0
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