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Everything posted by Flying_Dutchman

  1. I've been getting into KSP again and recently found this mod. It's great fun, thanks for your hard work.
  2. Thank you guys for the kind support! I considered using EPL. That would be the smart thing to do. But Kerbals aren't exactly known for always doing the "smart thing". So, I connected up a massive asparagus launcher and went for it. It hit 400k circular orbit on the first try (with 2 seconds of fuel remaining). Now, I just need some crazy plan to get it back down. I think Jeb has some ideas.
  3. It was actually designed to land on the Mun. Unfortunately, I underestimated the force required to maneuver it. Even with 8 large reaction wheels and the equivalent of 960 RCS thrusters, it still takes 8-9 minutes to turn it. I doubt I could kill the horizontal speed and get it straight before running out of fuel. Maybe the next version will be able to do it. As requested: This is a shot Jeb took while on a midnight stroll.
  4. I just wanted to say I'm really enjoying this mod. First I made a station with a capacity of 25. Then, I tried for 50. Then.... this happened:
  5. Hi guys, I'm new to Kerbal (about 50 hours), but a long time player of simulation and space games. When I started playing, I think dealing with deltaV and complex math would have ruined some of the fun of the game. I was able to learn quickly about fuel consumption and stages with some trial and error. Epic failures were part of the fun. However, as I'm now plotting my first Mun landing, I can't imagine not having some information about weight, thrust, fuel, etc.. So my suggestion to the topic at hand is simple: When playing career mode you start with basic ship parts. As you learn their use and complete missions, you are awarded more parts and more complex parts. So, why not do the same for engineering data (weight, thrust, deltaV, etc. etc.)? Maybe after you complete your first orbital mission you are awarded a "basic kerbal engineering module" which displays stats about wight, thrust, and fuel available (both VAB and in flight). A little later, as you complete a few more missions (or collect enough science) you unlock a "basic kerbal computer" which can calculate deltaV. As you continue to progress, you can unlock advanced engineering modules and computers which have all the goodies that rocket scientists love. In this manor, the learning curve is lowered for the starting players, who get some fun by trial and error. But, as you progress, you get access to more powerful tools that help with the tough missions. Finally, if this advanced information was implemented as a module (ie kerbal computer), people could choose if they want to add it to their designs. Want more of a challenge? Like flying by the seat of your pants? Great! Just don't equip it... This same concept could also be applied to other aspects of the game. Maybe the ability to "track" asteroids only comes after you complete a 'space telescope' mission. Maybe long range communications are only possible after a 'com-sat' mission. Why limit the unlocking of technology to spaceship parts? Sorry if this idea has been posted before. Fly safe!
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