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  1. That thing that a reinstall fixed? its back. this time no b9 pwings part, just an abundance of firespitter struts and float parts. Craft is disassembling itself around 11m/s, no crazy noseup, some fun stability derivatives. Using latest github version as of this post. Graph was showign up to 1035 with 15.1, dropped to number shown with the github version To be clear, this was not supposed to fly, just be a boat. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8oddiheeym7dreq/output_log.txt?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/m9r6sdqf5tq5d2r/BoatBoat.craft?dl=0 Has hit a few designs I've been messing with, not sure if its caused by mods or not, i know BDarmory weaponry on wings has triggered it, weaponry in cargobays does not, open or closed. Craft go back to "normal" figures soon as removed. Everytime i see the crazy graphs, the result in simulation is the same, start moving and the craft is destroyed by aero-failures at no more than 15m/s. I do know for sure, it has hit craft with just the B9 Pwings and nothing else
  2. Best guess is something got messed up on my end then, clean install fixed it. this thing rolls surprisingly quick with the controls sorted out
  3. so experimenting with B9 pwings and nufar, going well. then this creature arises: them sideslip numbers the result of careful acceleration insane drag and lift. 50% power results in it accelerating 1m/s a second, up to 4m/s where-by it suffers major aero-stress failure. seems to be trying to backflip, stopped by the engines Grabbed the 15.1 far just a couple hours ago, and running 1.0.2 ksp craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4dt9ynlnxhbrx6w/Mog.craft?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/8oddiheeym7dreq/output_log.txt?dl=0was a decent experimental craft, and then i went nuts with the wing.
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