Do not give up on liquid-fuel rockets! The first liquid fuel rocket engine was built in the Victorian era by Pedro Paulet in about 1895. Honesty compels me to point out that NO corroborating evidence has been found for his claims, first made in 1927 (Believe me I have searched! I'll send you the documentation if you want). However, his engine should have worked, and would have an ISP of maybe 120-160. Of course, my hybrid (below) is much better.
You do not need turbopumps, a liquid fuel rocket engine can be pressure-fed. For a great example, see the Sea Dragon rocket. It was the largest rocket ever seriously proposed; please note that it was to be built out of steel, by a shipyard.
Also, the first ion-drive rocket engine was built by the Norwegian physicist Kristian Birkeland in 1912, and tested in an vacuum chamber.
I have been developing a thorough story, and have hundreds of inventors, characters, and methods. In my story, people go to Mars in 1917. I find that it would be very difficult to move this date back much more than ten years (twenty, tops), though, because so many enabling technologies were invented around this time.
I use a hybrid rocket engine using nitrous oxide and paraffin.