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Everything posted by frango9000

  1. Sorry but does the "collect anomalous Data"from the BTDT scanner from Dmagic orbital science or scansats BTDT experiments should appear in this archive? im not finding it. thanks for fixing the bugs on V3.0 and implementing the search filter
  2. what is the standard procedure in this cases? how would he proceed to share HIS updated version?
  3. do i post sugestions and bugs here or is it better on github? https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/
  4. Hello, I love your work, i also love the lastest aditions in the dev channel, the node creation on diferent SOI limitation change certainly was helpful, so was the dropdown menu on maneuver planner, i have some sugestions, hope this is the right place for it: UI: 1 Lock window position ON/OFF 2 Save windows position/edits, and export to a file to bk. 3 Window transparency level Delta-V Info: 4 Option to Show info chart of vessel on other Bodies while on flight . Orbit Info: 5 Apoaxis after Drag (deceleration drag) Maneuver: 6 node to change Pe to a drag point to lower AP as desired (without landing obviously) 7 node to optimize a Gravity Assist on target I hope this sugestions aren't too much of a problem to do, anything that you dont understand please tell me and ill try to explain better Thanks
  5. i cant get to work the 12.2 link, could you please mirror it?
  6. Sorry if i wasnt very clear, (English isnt my main language), but you understood correctly... thats precisly the info I needed, I just wanted to check if (and how to) placing all scaners on 1 sat, orbiting it to an efficient polar orbit that would scan for all diferent types of maps... (making 1 scaner part that scans for everything sould have the same effect but that is over my skill ATM, but that would be nice maybe for a new part that is far more advanced tchnologicaly and of course ulocked far later in the tech tree.
  7. hello im just about to test your v6rc1 but i was wandering, if i unify these values in the part.cfg for all sensors and place them on a sat will it work? i dont want to have 3 or 4 sats scaning, just 1 per planet, maybe im just an idiot who missed something in the readme or in the OP but given that the documentacion of RCs aren't always perfect just cut me some slack PS:Thanks for your work on the mod, it is great! Ill test v6rc1 and folowings as much as i can!
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