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    Curious George
  1. Okay, I'm having some troubles here. This is exactly the mod (read 'compilation mod/texture/config pack') I've been looking for as it doesn't affect the vanilla experience other than visually. However no matter how many times I try, I can't get it to work. Here's what I'm doing in case anyone notices any faults: - I deleted the entire KSP folder from SteamApps. - I redownloaded KSP and opened it up to finalize any last minute installation processes Steam has such as verifying DirectX compatibility and such. - I clicked each link on the dependencies list including the optional ones in order and downloaded them as such (some of them are kind of them mentioned texture packs; I did not download any of those). - I installed them in the order of the list with the Renaissance pack last. - I deleted all the .tga files in the CoolRockets folder. Now when I open KSP, if it doesn't immediately crash, I get to the loading screen where it's showing the TextureReplacer folder when it does crash. What is going wrong?! ='(
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