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Everything posted by Reactordrone

  1. I did notice this today in map view. The spot disappeared if I zoomed in though.
  2. Looking back through my saves the mission reward does vary a little from 94,500 upon completion to 124,372 but I don't think the explore missions have an acceptance deadline so they wont respawn with a different reward value like a parts test contract.
  3. Mostly for docking although I have built stations with one man escape pods that only have RCS for de-orbiting. I try to stick to reaction wheels for turning and stability control and LFO engines for landers.
  4. It looks like the orbit info is giving inclination relative to north-south rather than the equator so if you want to persist with trying to get the autopilot to do it you might have to subtract the needed inclination from 90°.
  5. I've got career saves from each update, sometimes two or three to test different strategies for tech tree completion, and about three different sandbox saves. I've got two different 0.90 saves for trying career with different difficulty settings.
  6. You could send him a rover with a claw and a ladder. Once inside the rover you can claw onto the base and transfer into the crew module. A rover will also let the crew get to the lifter that you'll have to send for them because that ship doesn't look like it's got enough delta v to reach orbit again.
  7. As long as the rockets work the way they do in the game I'd fly in my ships. The major cause of me using F9 to save Kerbals is from rover and EVA jetpack crashes, the rockets themselves are pretty reliable and aborts are safe.
  8. If you buy something and then bolt on a bunch of stuff that isn't made by that manufacturer and it then doesn't work you won't be able to get your money back.
  9. Are the boosters strutted properly? If they're only strutted on one side they might be tilting and causing a rotation when thrust is applied. The basic design should fly ok although it's a little expensive and overpowered to get that little lander into Kerbin orbit.
  10. I don't know what they can handle but I know I have a damaged strut on a Mun lander that I've kept in Munar orbit and that's only suffered from one slightly hard landing so the threshold for damage isn't that high.
  11. Worst was when I went to a probe that I had going interplanetary and got a kraken attack that crashed the game. When I went back to KSC all my ships in Kerbin, Mun and Minmus orbits were in a bunch flying out of the solar system.
  12. If you ever have to do that again just set the pressure switches on the chutes to deploy at 0.3 atmospheres and you can deploy the chutes at leisure in space or the upper atmosphere and they'll open at about 5000m.
  13. Tweak down the thrust of the SRBs in the VAB and you won't be fighting drag as much. You should also be starting your turn much earlier as you were only at 45° by about 63km instead of 12km. By 40km you should be pretty horizontal. Once in low orbit you'll need just under 900m/s to get to the Mun's orbit and another 270m/s to capture followed by another 270m/s to return to an aerocapture at Kerbin. With that ship you'll definitely be able to do a flyby and with better piloting you might be able to get it into Mun orbit and back but you'll beed a bit more if you want to try for a landing..
  14. They need to get to level three to be able to all repairs and that usually means sending them outside Kerbin's sphere of influence since there aren't enough points available in Mun and Minmus landings. A quick trip into solar orbit and back should let you level up your engineers.
  15. Yeah, it doesn't take many for the lag to start to show.
  16. The bulk of my playing hours have been in career including 23.5 career which would now be classed as science mode but I do mess around in sandbox making planes and doing long duration missions to Jool and Eeloo where I don't have to worry about other contracts timing out or leaving Kerbals sitting around for years during timewarps.
  17. Should make it. I estimate over 1200m/s delta V which is more than enough. Added- if you want to do the rocket equation delta V = g x Isp x ln current mass/ dry mass which in this case is 9.82 x 390 x ln3.76/2.715 = 1247m/s Your fuel oxidizer ratio is slightly unbalanced so you can only use 94 of your 98 fuel with that amount of oxidizer.
  18. The important thing to remember is the difference in orbital periods at different heights. If you're lower than the target you'll orbit in less time and catch up, if you're higher your orbit will take longer and the target will catch up to you. You'll want your orbit touching the target orbit at one point (with matching inclination) with the rest of the orbit either inside or outside the target orbit (to catch up or slow down). If you set the orbits fairly close you'll be able to observe how the distance to target changes with each orbit. If you set up a slow closure rate you'll get a close approach but it will take a long time so a higher closure rate is usually preferred. Once the projected target position overshoots you, you can apply a small prograde or retrograde burn to dial the projected target position back to get a very close approach and on the next orbit you can kill the majority of your speed relative to the target (which should be fairly low at this point) and set up for docking.
  19. It's worse than you think, Or is that just me?
  20. Landing gear height can be increased by mounting them on small hardpoints and by using inverted gull wings like a stuka or F4U corsair and an extra landing gear can be added at the rear of the plane to act as a tail bumper. With the offset tools they can be positioned to give enough rotation for takeoff while preventing your engine from being ripped off if you flare too aggressively on landing. Failing that you could always try the B-52 method and just increase the angle of attack of the wing so you fly off with a perfectly level fuselage.
  21. After playing with the demo for about a week the first thing I did when I bought the game was look in the spaceplane hangar to see what that was about before rebuilding the Mun rocket I'd made in the demo and started exploring.
  22. I should also add that once you get back into atmosphere its performance is also pretty bad with very little pitch authority and a narrow track landing gear that make rollover crashes on landing very likely. Moving the landing gear further out on the wing and replacing the canards with advanced canards make it much more user friendly.
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