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  1. No thanks to you for this awesome mod. I wanted to test it before tell you but i dont know how to compile the code with monodevelop xD. I think i need to read/watch a few tutorials.
  2. Sorry it will be like: private double runwayMinLatitude = -0.054; private double runwayMaxLatitude = -0.045; private double runwayMinLongitude = 285.27; private double runwayMaxLongitude = 285.51;
  3. I think i maybe found why is not working the runway recycle. In MissionControllerEvents.cs you have private double runwayMinLatitude = -0.043; private double runwayMaxLatitude = -0.038; private double runwayMinLongitude = -74.719; private double runwayMaxLongitude = -74.700; And using flight engineer launching in runway says that I'm in longitude: 285.275699 and latitude: -0.048601. I know that's more or less the same because 285,275699-360 = -74,724301 but it's still out of the limits so maybe changing that values will work. So I check and the limits should be something like: Runway: private double runwayMinLatitude = -0.045; private double runwayMaxLatitude = -0.054; private double runwayMinLongitude = 285.27; private double runwayMaxLongitude = 285.51; I hope it will be useful
  4. Hi! im using your extended mod for long time but i didnt write yet. I came today to post exactly that, but you just say it. Anyway i downloaded the code from Git and search there to try to find the problem. And in the line 436 of MissionControllerCalc.cs there's a case for land in runway commented. I dont know if you know how works that part, because maybe was from the last developer but in any case we can try to fill it. Maybe its commented because there's no way to know if the vessel is landed on runway, do u know anything about it?. The code probably should be something like: I would try to compilate myself to try if works or not but i dont know how to do it xDD. I "worked" a lot with Unity but... i dont know the way Unity, KSP and its mods are connected. Thanks a lot for this awesome mod, i think that changes totally the experience
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