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Posts posted by Poofer

  1. Just now, sebi.zzr said:

    After you put your craft on launch pad,first you have to go in map view and set minimus as target,then you click "launch into plane of target" in ascent guidance and then "engage autopilot".Then MJ will warp to appropriate time and autolaunch.

    No it won't. That's why i'm asking if anyone else is having this problem and if anyone has been able to get past it. Launching into plane of target will launch immediately after you hit enable and launch to rendezvous does wait for something but the launch is all wrong too. in both cases the launch ends up with and AN/DN of 6/-6 relative to Minmus AND relative to the equator

  2. Since the official thread is closed i'll ask here. 

    Has anyone been able to make the launch into plane or launch to rendezvous work? I'm trying to launch to Minmus but it always launches in the wrong phase angle so i'd have to match planes once in orbit.

    Launching to rendezvous also gives the wrong orbit.


    Maybe i'm doing something wrong or is this a known issue? How can i workaround this?


  3. On 4/22/2016 at 9:18 AM, UnanimousCoward said:

    It is possible to install incompatible mods with CKAN using the command line. I believe the correct command is 

    ckan.exe install <identifier>=<version>

    In this case, it'll probably be

    ckan.exe install CrowdSourcedScience=v3.0.2

    No idea if it'll work or cause any problems though.

    this classifies them as autodetect though and maybe i don't know how to use CKAN but AD doesn't check for updates. So it amounts to the same as manually downloading them from the mod site.

  4. 5 minutes ago, IgorZ said:

    `maxTemp` parameter in the part's config file.

    Won't that make it so it withstands more temp? I noticed that the proper activation generates a 10 awesomeness explosion whereas the overheating generates a .5 rating. Since activating from vessel is a no go, i was gonna approach activation by putting a separatron next to it and staging in a way that it overheats and poof. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Iceman3749 said:

    seem's not to be working proper when you select the icons the ships tries to turn towards it but it just ends up sniping wildly.


    On 4/20/2016 at 3:51 PM, ErectGandalf said:

    The flight computer seems a bit wonky. When I tell it to point in a direction or complete a maneuver it likes to spin around in little circles.


    when i look at this i cover my face. not because this is a known issue and it's a few posts above but in shame that i have also done this many times.


    There seems to be a new pre-release about 3 hours old. and a commit about a fix for the issue so you might wanna give that a try. Upon further inspection the pre-release commits don't include d4rksh4des' fix. Not yet anyway.

  6. If the vessel still has EC, then your problem lies elsewhere.

    If you launch your vessel without any antennae activated the probe has a limited range (something like 3km?) after which it will lose connection with KSC. in order to avoid this you need an active antenna with more range. The reflectron? (the one that doesn't break) will fix that.

  7. if you run out of EC, your probe will stop receiving a signal because you have no power. And you can't do anything after that unless you feed it power from an external source.

    Your alternator stores a bit of EC, as does the probe. But you gotta have spare batteries and some solar panels/nuclear gens in order to maintain EC

  8. @Nexs The red dot is KSC. i don't remember it's range but KSC can connect to any antenna within line of sight that is in range.

    In order to have links you need an antenna on the vessel and an antenna on the target, both activated, both with line of sight to each other and both in range of eachother.

    Also, if using directional antennae, you need to select the target, as opposed to  omnidirectional antennae, which connect to everything within range on their own.

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