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blurrr 2

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Everything posted by blurrr 2

  1. Firstly, get rid of those two massive RCS tanks. Secondly, switch out all the pairs 400L tanks you can for 800L tanks.
  2. My high tech orbital transfer teechnique: Fold the corner of a post-it note to the right angle Hold post it note up to screen and timewarp until the angle is about right Fire the engines If it doesn't work, f9 and repeat
  3. I used two 50-ton launchers for my Duna mission: one to launch the Duna lander, and one to launch the Ike lander and return ship. Transferring Kerbals to another return ship really helps improve efficiency, because then the lander doesn't need to carry all the fuel to get back.
  4. I did a dual mun/minmus landing. to get to minmus, I got into a flat, low, orbit, and then eyeballed it and burned. I met minmus at the point where its orbit crosses the Kerbin equator
  5. This is why save-loading can be so helpful.
  6. Here is my 0.15 masterpiece: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=34488&d=1349665877 I made it for a dual mun/minmus landing
  7. That... That is awesome. It reminds me of the blog-ballon from xkcd. But on Eve.
  8. I was looking through my old 0.15 screenies and found this beauty: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/album.php?albumid=111 It's basically a mountain of fuel tanks stacked asparagus style and strapped together with struts. I think this was originally for a dual minmus/mun landing. Going to re-make this out of big engine parts. Jebediah seems excited.
  9. arridens facies mortis (Face death smiling) is a kerbalier latin motto
  10. First of all solar systems naturally form that distribution due to the way super-nova \'stuff\' is blown out and collected into solar dust rings. Secondly, Nova-Silisko is a god (Like Apollo, but Jeb is still Zeus). Whatever he does is awesome.
  11. I re-did the launcher, balancing the craft via sexy use of fuel lines, and ruining jeb\'s day.
  12. I made a stock launcher. It flies like a wounded hippopotamus. Jeb cried for joy when he saw the blueprints.
  13. If you\'re going non-stock for lander legs, why not use silisko\'s mini solid rocket boosters? They are tiny and 3 pack a punch.
  14. It looks ugly. Very ugly. You have to get it off the launch pad in a few seconds or it explodes. If you do, you can get a clear shot to the mun. The rocket is all stock, except for Silisko\'s mini-SRBs (which double as lander legs), mechanical decouplers, and orbital achievement engine. The stages require proper timing for maximum efficiency. T+0 takeoff T+22 initiate stage 2, boosters T+63 eject burnt-out boosters and empty fuel tanks
  15. I have a silisko mini-decoupler thing between them
  16. yes ground friction... :-[ I got another funny video taking advantage of low friction. instructions: bolt together 25 mini-SRBs with a command capsule on top The parachute must be duct taped strutted on, or the g-forces rip it off upon deployment launch hit T press space wait when speed is < 200 m/s, deploy chute hit a wasd key a couple of times to flip over hope you hit a good hill
  17. Space stations are Fun in the making. http://df.magmawiki.com/index.php?title=DF2010:Fun
  18. fuel lines can actually improve effeciency! I launched two very similar ships, one with fuel lines, and one without, straight up and recorded the apoapsis. design 1: command capsule SAS Fuel tank Fuel Tank Fuel Tank LVT-500 design 2: command capsule SAS fuel tank - radial decoupler & fuel line - Fuel Tank fuel tank - fuel line & radial decoupler - fuel tank LVT-500 The side fuel tanks were used first and jetisoned when empty Results: design 1 (no fuel lines) apoapsis = 1627 km design 2 (fuel lines) apoapsis = 1667 km The fuel lines actually helped the craft fly higher! Fuel lines would be more efficient in larger craft, where 1 decoupler and one line can connect 2+ tanks to the engine(s) instead of just 1 tank
  19. I use the same concept. My standard mun rocket gets into orbit with stage 1, and gets to the mun and back with stage 2 (four tanks and an engine).
  20. The drag against the atmosphere is what slows you... I think.
  21. The physics engine doesn\'t include ground friction. It took me 15 tries to get the capsule to survive. I was aiming to go off the cliff and into the sea, but this is good enough
  22. Having severe cash penalties for failure is realistic, but not fun. It gets rid of the 'strap crap together and blow it up' feel of KSP, and otherwise makes Jebediah sad. I want to suggest a three-mode system: Sandbox mode: infinite parts. This could be used to learn the game for new players, or to test and design rockets for forum challenges Casual mode: a list of missions to be completed in order, each with a set budget limit Hardcore mode: the above system, with yearly budgets, etc.
  23. Having just download 1.3, I knew I needed to take advantage of the side-attaching fuel tanks. A modification on a generic design created the 7128. The first stage can put the second in a sizable orbit, and the second can hit the mun from there. The craft stabilizes extremely well, with a gimbaling engine on the first stage. Pulling Hoffman transfers is a pain though, because the lack of RCS means the rocket takes forever to turn.
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