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Everything posted by Mohole

  1. I will probably have a sandbox and career but thats all, two saves.
  2. Remember come to the rebuilt Hypetrain tomorrow! Ready with even more space for moar boosters!
  3. No sleeping No matter what! Oh right! on a related note the hype train will be at the station tomorrow morning! don't miss it!
  4. KSP users in their natural habitat while waiting for a new "update" This is apparently their "FOOD" source. That is what they would say.
  5. Then I will need more hype fuel and room on the train, because we already have too much Hype boosters! I know terrible!
  6. The hype train, its speed, Its OVAR 90000000000000000000000000000000000 and 1. (miles per hour)
  7. I personaly like Tylo due to the fact that everybody hates it, I lead do not follow. Also it gives me an excuse to yell loudly when my Tylo landers fail.
  8. Today after screwing up and forgetting a ladder, I had to use the rcs pack to get my kerbal on the Mun for a routine Mun landing. However, he face planted and the Hell Kracken ate him and the crew immediately after. When I reloaded the game, Jebadiah was on a sub-orbital trajectory on the Mun and my capsule (only a capsule because the lander was ripped into millions of pieces causing debris everywhere:P) with the two other kerbals was on escape trajectory BUT I had a quick save, so no harm:). I don't have a picture because I panicked and reloaded the quick save.
  9. Well, I had nothing to do at the time, so I built a satellite. A satellite, for the Kerbin Cup, that way all of my kerbals can watch it! I know, it has too much solar panels... I got carried away while building.
  10. Actually, the Kerbals know that the players are bad at building ships so, they put on clipping suites that way they don't get hit when you are whipping parts around the VAB, yes this is a perfectly true explanation.
  11. My Flag it's perfect! No, I did not make it.
  12. So far, the most glorious moment for me has been my first space station. P.S this was not docked, I was too lazy to dock:P
  13. *Ship suddenly explodes killing Buzz* uh-oh...
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