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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I have the exact same issue (just started a thread about it in the modded support section). I still don't know what's causing this. For me unlike in your case, the unmodded install doesn't present this problem, but once I install mods, the problem starts. I hope someone can help us out
  2. Hi folks, I'm new to Linux but decided to try it with hopes of using KSP 64bit to run more mods without crashing. Using Ubuntu 14.10, I followed the great installation guide posted by Sal Vager. Unmodded, the game ran fine using both open source and proprietary AMD drivers. After installing mods using CKAN, I start the game (everything loads up very quickly), go into VAB, and usually, as soon as I get the first part out (for example MK1 cockpit), the game freezes. Music still playing, no keyboard control, and sometimes mouse still usable, but I cannot go back to the desktop environment to kill the KSP process - so I'm forced to reset the computer. Uninstalling the part heavy mods doesn't seem to change anything. I tried uninstalling mods thinking it was a memory problem (I have 8GB). System Monitor crashes as soon as KSP starts, so I used the TOP command to track memory. Right up until the point KSP freezes, only ~3.1GB RAM used by KSP, and CPU is running at 101.4% somehow. I am including the KSP.log fileand player.log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4gbbRcUMvBacDdFZ1RGOGdpdEk/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4gbbRcUMvBaVU43dEc4Q0hrSm8/view?usp=sharing I apologize if someone has already answered this - I looked everywhere on the forums without luck. Thank you very much for your help everyone!
  3. Hey guys, I apologize is this is a stupid question. When installing this mod, I am able to see and use the individual parts, and also the craft files of all the modules. I would also like to be able to use the Proton launcher vehicle in order to launch those modules. When I download and install the "launch vehicles" files, and put them in GameData, I am still not able to load up the launchers. Am I doing something wrong in the installation of the launcher vehicle files? Thank you!
  4. Folks thank you so much for your help. It looks like after I completely stripped the payload, the rocket became much more stable. I didn't realize how sensitive rockets are to such small weight imbalances. Thanks again guys!
  5. It does sound like a bit of a payload imbalance, simply because the rocket always starts to lean in the same direction. If you guys think this is the case, how can I be sure that the payload is truly balanced? Sometimes it is a bit hard to tell with the VAB CoM indicator. Either way, I'm including the picture of the rocket. http://imgur.com/GjTmvqI http://imgur.com/K33oTS5
  6. hey guys, This is yet another FAR-rocket-toppling question. I've read many such questions and I think I understand what needs to be done in order to make a proper gravity turn. For some reason, I am unable to make my current rocket fly in a stable manner. The center of lift is far below the center of mass. I use fins in the back and procedural fairings for the payload. I adjusted the TWR to different values ranging from 1.1 to 2.0, and I start my gravity turn (5 degrees) over once I hit about 100m/s. My problem is that as soon as I launch my rocket, it starts leaning in a certain direction (not the 90 degree direction). To correct it (even with fine controls) I try and steer it the other way; inevitably the rocket overshoots, which starts a death wobble. I tried using SAS, no SAS, extra reaction wheels, balancing the payload (it seems balanced when I check the center of mass in the VAB), fins or no fins..nothing seems to work in the way people are saying a gravity turn using FAR should work. The rocket requires constant adjustments in flight, which only increase the wobble. What do you guys think I should do? Is there something I am missing? Thanks for your help!
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