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Rise and Shine

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Everything posted by Rise and Shine

  1. On my first tries of rockets with stock parts I got to 50 km only. And with a shuttle with C7 Flight Pack I got to +2700 km, without any control. More stages of that engine and a more controlled flight should get me to Mun easily, although I\'ll have in account your suggestions.
  2. Hello, discovered KSP in other forum about YSflight, YSFHQ. Got to the page of the developers, and then to here. I am doing addons in YSflight, and also make a few here (Although I\'m still learning to texture). Practising how to get to Mun (Some day you will be mine...) And I don\'t know what else to say. I gues that\'s it.
  3. Ha Taskforce. I\'m here too!
  4. Hola, soy Rise and Shine, un gran fan de la aviación y descubrí este juego gracias a YSFHQ, un foro de YSflight en inglés. Estoy comenzando a hacer mods para él, y también puede que haga algunos aquí . (Pero aún estoy aprendinendo) Estoy haciendo unos cuántos cohetes y lanzaderas, y voy a subir fotos pronto. A ver si llego a Mun =P
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