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Everything posted by PaladinVito

  1. This is a gross, GROSS oversimplification. ART converts the asteroid mass to rock, then that rock can be converted into Karbonite, Ore, Minerals, Substrate, or Water (Karbonite and EPL). The remaining volume can then be used as storage, yes, but the initial processing of the rock yields many possible things. How well these two mods work together is something I've been wondering about actually. I've been avoiding using the Klockheed Martian one because I'm already using EPL and the rest of Roverdude's mods. What I'm curious about is whether there's a way to use these parts without all the extra water mechanics, because the parts themselves would be great to use with ART.
  2. You're talking about a 50+ ton vessel... nothing that heavy is really "sturdy" at all without struts.
  3. This capability already exists by just using IR... Don't think Roverdude really needs to do it again, does he?
  4. So you gave us a good tease with that tiny freighter... Any hints as to a release date on it?
  5. Just reposting to confirm the graphical glitch was caused by this particlar mod/configuration. Removed it and no more ghost-capsule.
  6. I don't understand... Roverdude's install profile is flawless... unzip, merge gamedata, done. EDIT: Upon further consideration, you may have been talking about dependencies. The problem there is that MKS (the primary USI mod) isn't really dependent on anything any more. You can use all of the parts completely stand-alone, they just lose 50% of their usefulness (they're still awesome base components).
  7. So I'm getting an interesting graphical glitch that just appeared after installing the MFD: This occurs specifically during a sphere of influence change or time warp, while outside the vessel. Especially frightening is if alarm clock stops time warp for me, in which case that pod internal continues to drift off by itself into space. Any ideas? Restarting and cancelling warp fixes it without issue, but in the mean time it makes these awesome menus unusable for me. As a note, I'm using all manner of mods, but they're all up to date with the most recent versions, RPM included. I also applied the hotfix file listed earlier in the thread.
  8. So, no word on whether or not this is going to get fixed yet? I kind of liked the additional labs...
  9. Just loaded up the updated mod, and I noticed something: You've moved the vast majority of the Honeybadger parts into the "Very Heavy Rocketry" node on the tech tree, but the command pod and SAS/RCS units are still in the very first node. Is this as intended?
  10. Resources and tanks can be customized to adjust according to what's being put in them. For instance, pressurized substances like Xenon and Monopropellant add more dry mass to a tank (to account for the stuff required to keep it pressurized) by default. I did something similar with MFT and Near Future Propulsion by adding Argon as a possible fuel type (similar modifiers to Xenon). But personally, I like a nice uniform texture across most of my crafts, so being able to use a single tank type for several kinds of fuel is appealing to me.
  11. With MFT it would allow us to totally customize the tank which carries fuel, i.e. instead of "choose a resource that is predetermined and is kind of difficult to add more options to" (as in how the system works now), you could choose what kind of fuel is in the tank, or you could have several kinds of fuel in the tank simultaneously. MFT configs would also allow for very easy resource additions, allowing the tanks to be able to carry things from other mods very simply. TL;DR: MFT allows for multiple fuel types in a single tank simultaneously. Edited for clarity.
  12. Looks friggin' sweet! Is it called the Dragonfly? On a side note about the configurable cargo tanks: have you considered leveraging ModularFuelTanks for this particular feature? It wouldn't work as well if you want to actively change the textures on the tanks (for me this is only a big deal on the astroid fuel hatches; otherwise i prefer uniform tanks) but it would be very nice for 100% customizable cargo containers, and MFT is a CC-BY-SA license, so... If not as a dependency (which I know you like to avoid) perhaps some reflective coding for those who have it active?
  13. Awesome! Thanks! I actually wrote one as well, although I added a multiplier for the Argon, under the assumption that it would be pressurized. Not sure if it works though, haven't properly tested it EDIT: Reworked the code a little bit to account for Argon pressurization. Dropbox Download
  14. Has anyone written a config file for Nertea's Near Future Technologies parts at all? Just wondering, before I teach myself what code I need to learn to do it myself EDIT: More specifically, the ability to add Argon or Liquid Hydrogen to stock tanks using MFT.
  15. The large containers aren't meant to be used by a single kerbal, really. Those are intended for seriously long, multi-kerbal missions and/or colonies. Also, in just stacking supplies like that, you're consciously choosing to bypass the mechanics entirely, so that's on you. That being said, I still kind of agree with your point; has anyone suggested maybe adding a spoil rate for food, so if you pack a ton onto a vessel with a single kerbal, much of it will go bad? Just an idea. Then you could add more balance for long missions by adding cryo-storage containers of food that are heavier (on account of refrigeration).
  16. On the whole, an inspired idea. Honestly, seriously good work. Like you said, the models need a little work, but aesthetics are easy to fix; mechanics are the hard part. That being said, is there a particular reason the RCS thruster looks super cel shaded? Honestly, mine looks like it was pulled straight from Jet Set. In the mean-time, I think I'll try those grey textures. EDIT: Here's a screenshot of what I mean. Also, the flag texture seems to be a bit wonky with flags that involve transparency, as you can tell from the flag on the Spaceport compared to the flag on the wall. As you can see, the RCS thruster looks particularly out of place.
  17. It is my understanding that these kinds of things are to be expected on an early access game. Crashes and such are inevitable, even if you were playing in 100% stock and no mods... One thing I've found that seems to help significantly is to run x64 as an admin.
  18. No, he is just one of a minority of players (myself included) who have had little-to-no noticeable drop in performance, crash-wise, while using x64. Most of the game runs quite a bit better, now that it has access to the 16gb of ram I have. Will-do!
  19. Fantastic work again, Roverdude! Dig the new transport tech, although your MKS modules clip just slightly while inside the Honeybadger's cargo module. EDIT: Also, a 2.5mx3.75m cargo section would be lovely.
  20. Not really a complaint, just a question: Is there any particular reason ART is the only one of your mods NOT listed under the Umbra Space Industries folder within Gamedata? Just seemed odd to me.
  21. Hey, I've been using EPL in conjunction with MKS for a while before now. I recently hit a snag with my game, so I deleted my mods and went with a clean run of what I normally run. For some reason, EPL is now causing my game to catch on load, something it has never done before. To be specific, the game starts loading and continues loading fine until it gets to the part file for: At this point, the game stops loading, although remains active and responsive (loading jokes continue to roll, and the game never freezes). As a result, I don't have a crash-log I can share as one isn't generated for the event. I have used the mod in a completely functional manner before, and never experienced this kind of issue. Any thoughts? EDIT: I managed to get everything working again, although I'm not entirely sure how. It involved completely gutting the game and having Steam reacquire everything, so I'm thinking the problem was in the game, not the mod.
  22. I've had several different contract requests to do these things in orbit around different planets, so I assume they recognize low/high orbits of different planets and give science accordingly. I haven't tested this yet, but I'll post to confirm or negate when it's fixed.
  23. Hey, not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but for some reason my experiments won't progress. The Station Science modules all work fine, but none of the modules from this mod appear to work. The labs claim they're active, but they don't actually interact with the experiment modules. For some reason, it just says "No Experiments" in the case of the lab, or "Idle" in the case of the exposure platform, even though the experiments themselves claim to be running.
  24. Ah, my mistake. I never looked at the specific number of days a kerbal can survive without food; I was making an educated guess based on human physiology, and 30 days without food is... heh. Still a great little mod!
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