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Everything posted by Tank2333

  1. Thanks DMSP for pointing out with the surface speed i made it again wiht the same rocket and got to 23110 m/s now with orbit speed ^^ http://imgur.com/a/WiKu6#0
  2. Yeah i tried another stupid design and tested it in FAR and it flew straight away... its either a. im to good at making planes or b. FAr is not that hard
  3. Hi here is my entry it is a little bit silly but i hope it doesnt violate the rules craft file DragKing v2 Tank2333 it needs the whole runway but it should lift off and here is this wonderfull airpla..... airthing
  4. Today i entered a Speed record challange and thats the first heavy lifter that i build i think it can take 180t to LKO (didnt test it) got up to 34 km/s XD
  5. Hi i never made a heavy lifter but i thought i try this one starting mass is 1700 tons or so after dropping the ascend stage it uses 3 stages first with 8 nukes second with one nuke and the last is just the probe core with a Fuel tank and the iny rockomax engine got me to 34100 m/s (it seemed like i was already accelerating towards the sun but i was inside the Kerbin SOI) here is the Image album http://imgur.com/a/3oXWq#0
  6. Hi ive made a little dron that got to 335ms/s pure stock im not sure i can get faster
  7. my sister has a fiat 500 and its a cute little car with a stunning interior im not sure what the point is to upgrade it to the average looking suv car... btw the viagra reference is pretty stupid...
  8. Hi i just found this game on steam http://celestialcommand.com/ its a mix of KSP Space engineers with a slight feel of top down RTS game when you start th game you find yourself with a small ship with 2 RCS like thrusters wich use fuel (H2) you are in a solar system wich has orbital machanics and at the planet you orbiting there is a astoroid belt and those contain different minerals from Ice (for LH/LOX) up to titanium and such you can build attachments to your ship in a grid like manner, you have to produce power for varios moduls like mining lasers and Oxygen production you also have to manage how all these moduls are connected with each other (engines need connection to fuel lasers need power etc) you can controll diferrent ships and dock them togather there is also a grabber wich can be used to hold onto astoroids they added with the latest version a direct connection mutliplayer but i couldnt test it out i think this game has big potential and is quite playable in its current state its lacking content ofcourse ive read that its developed by 3 guys with at their freetime so i guess development is kind of slow its 8€ 10$ right now i think and ive played a few hours and its pretty fun if you might want to try it there is a sandbox mode where you only need to worry about fuel and the other moduls are free you have to activate it after you started a game, just go to the options and check the box, also make sure to choose a name otherwise you cant load again (wich is a bug) I ramain Tank2333
  9. Hi I only can play a tiny bit of keyboard but i can play guitar (im beginner/intermediate) But i dont have recording equipment yet though
  10. Hi raincrafter i took your image and made modified a bit to make it ia bit more readable and bit smoother i hope you dont mind here is the sig could take little bit more work though and im not sure if ther eis a max size for signature pics but this is 200x150 EDIT: i just saw that it doesnt quite fit onto the signature... well i edit it tomorow ^^
  11. i think im trying out a new design more in the spirit of this contest and i think that for the next contest maybe the score system should multiply with some variables instead of plain addition but im not so good at math but i try to write something down that would add greater the higher/heavier/bigger your plane is
  12. hm i think i flew west i did turn 180 after lift off to test the flight stability and i think i sticked to it maybe that was causing the extra km? because i flew agains kerbins rotation?
  13. well i didnt cheat or resetted anything but you are right with the distance, i did some in flihgt calculations and i hink i would get to 4000km+ with the fuel consumption so i tested a little bit and i think the flight result window is bugged or higher in the atmosphere there are happening weird things with the measurements so i guess sal_vager could change my max distance to a calculated distance.
  14. So here is my entry for the stock scoreboard Plane: Bee18 Hornet X3 (thanks to RED5 for the inspiration) Parts : 37 Mass: 2.5t Height : 2.8m Width : 3.3m Length: 4.9m max feul 65 unites LF That is -172 points i travled 7011km at max speed of 2081 m/s with a max altitude of around 40km crusing speed was around 2000 m/s at 33km that should be 6940 points O_O also maxmum safety for the pilot is given with the Rocketseat "Fly by Fire mk2" if upgraded with oxidizer this craft might be able to get to Munar Orbit here is a imgur gallery of the flight http://imgur.com/a/xBFOr#0 i might upload the craft file tomorrow if requested Cheers!
  15. Hello This is my entry for this contest I used FAR but used only stock parts my craft sets me back with -158 points i flew about 1440km so i should have 1358 points my craft features a RAPIER engine 2 radial intakes and a rocket seat+chute for the save abort procedure max speed about 1530 m/s at 25km+ here are the pictures of the flight and some rocket seat testing (could be deadly at max q ^^) http://imgur.com/a/zRDUH#0 craft info should be visible in the first image
  16. There is a scene in Matrix where morpheus just taps one button on his slide mobilephone and just says "Tank we need an exit" i found this very cool as a kid/teenager so i decided that it will be my nickname and 2333 because Tank is taken ofcourse everywhere (now i think i should have chosen a round number) before that i had DeadSurvivor as a nick because i thought it was super funny back then... times are changing
  17. thx guys yeah it is, but the community sadly died a few years ago only a handfull people are writiing in the forum but the freedom you have wih this game is quite uniqe
  18. Hello i just wanted to share some footage of my rocket creations in Phun/Algodoo (2d sandbox physics Tool/game) These are rockets that uses long heavy "sticks" as propellant, that is i think a legit Kerbal way of propelling a space craft these are roughly 6 years old or even more In this game if you wanted something to go in a direction you had to do it in a physical way, nowadays there is a hardcoded thruster tool though. dhuLA-ZkM&index=8This is my 2 stage rocket with boosters and seperation this should be a playlist with my rocket videos on youtube the dimensions are soemthing like the Saturn V height is about 120m wight 1300t (i have to check these numbers and it has a payload ( just a green heavy box) on top wich is about 130t http://www.algodoo.com/algobox/details.php?id=9944 Here is the the download link you can download the programm for free at http://www.algodoo.com/download/ here you can see how i make a 2legged walker with timelapse so you can see how this game works it would be fun to know the thrust, isp, dv and twr but im not sure how to measure that ingame i can get precise information about velocity and momentum and other stuff though im not sure if this belongs here so feel free to move it Have fun!
  19. For me staging errors wich tending to panic attacking the space bar are fun too And designing a cool plane good balance etc. Maidenflight, all system good thrust 100% 100m/s and lift off...ir not? ... Then the runway ends and u see that u forgot thr controll surface Also funny is to crash jeb into the mun on 1000x speed because u are impatient
  20. I cant remember exactly but i think the first launch was like Command pod with lfo and engine Launch pad Hitting space Waiting for lift off Clicking like a madmann evrything on screen Thinking that doing the tutorial might be a good idea After that i had ( and have till now) many staging errors, twr issues, etc.befor i got to orbit And jeb had to fly 40km in EVA to a rescue commandpod because he had played around with the throttle to much to get back home But i made it to the moon without any further tutorials (i only made the basic ones) and that was very satisfying
  21. I watched prison architect letsplay from Mariocatgaming and he had a ksp letsplay too only 4 episodes i think I think i had heard about it before but didnt know anything After i saw him play i found it interresting (engineering,space,science,rockets how can that be not awsome) so searched a bit and found the demo Startet it blew my first rocket and i was hooked But i waited for a steam sale that was the astlroid update i think And now i can call this the most unique and best gaming experience i had in a long time KSP is realy special
  22. you guys have some great pics! Im kind of new to KSP but i took some screens of my missions [spoiler=My first landing on Minmus (u never know how much fuel you need )]
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