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Everything posted by Alegend1994

  1. As of 0.23.5: (parts code | Technology Tree Name) Level 1: start | Start Level 2: basicRocketry | Basic Rocketry Level 3: generalRocketry | General Rocketry stability | Stability survivability | Survivability Level 4: advRocketry | Advanced Rocketry generalConstruction | General Construction flightControl | Flight Control scienceTech | Science Tech Level 5: heavyRocketry | Heavy Rocketry fuelSystems | Fuel Systems advConstruction | Advanced Construction aerodynamicSystems | Aerodynamics advFlightControl | Advanced Flight Control electrics | Electrics spaceExploration | Space Exploration landing | Landing Level 6: heavierRocketry | Heavier Rocketry specializedControl | Specialized Control specializedConstruction | Specialized Construction actuators | Actuators supersonicFlight | Supersonic Flight precisionEngineering | Precision Engineering advElectrics | Advanced Electrics advExploration | Advanced Exploration advLanding | Advanced Landing Level 7: nuclearPropulsion | Nuclear Propulsion largeControl | Large Control advMetalworks | Advanced MetalWorks advAerodynamics | Advanced Aerodynamics highAltitudeFlight | High Altitude Flight unmannedTech | Unmanned Tech ionPropulsion | Ion Propulsion largeElectrics | Large Electrics electronics | Electronics fieldScience | Field Science Level 8: veryHeavyRocketry | Very Heavy Rocketry metaMaterials | Meta-Materials composites | Composites heavyAerodynamics | Heavy Aerodynamics hypersonicFlight | Hypersonic Flight advUnmanned | Advanced Unmanned Tech specializedElectrics | Specialized Electrics advScienceTech | Advanced Science Tech advancedMotors | Advanced Motors None: Unresearcheable | (Not in use), this one is used for the unknown objects in the asteriod redirect pack.
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