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Everything posted by OpenWorldAddict

  1. This is the rocket I was building, the Singular 1. It was just a rehash of the Beta rocket design (the rocket that i used to get the first kerbals into orbit) with a stayputnik probe pod on top instead of the command module, and some solar panels and batteries on the side. The Communitron 16 is on top of the Stayputnik pod. When i tried to put the reflectron Dp 10 on, it didn't look like it was attaching to my rockets. Oh, and by the way, those boosters only get the rocket up to between 6000 to 9000 meters.
  2. I had a communitron 16. I could not get the reflectetron dp 10 to fit on my rocket. Is there anyway for me to have it activated once it goes onto the launcpad without me having to press any buttons are do any right clicking (which is hard to select such a small part.)?
  3. My 54 hour livestream kerbal space center real time challenge ultimately failed when i started having problems with Remote Tech 2. I was trying to launch my first communications satellite, but I would lose control of the rocket as soon as it left the pad. The end result of that is that I couldn't stage it and thus it soon after crashed. After trying to launch it dozens of times and making tweaks on many different things (including changing the direction the communication devices pointed, nothing worked and frustration began to build up. Eventually in anger I gave up. I can't complete the challenge if I can't get one communication satellite off the ground.
  4. My 54 hour livestream kerbal space center real time challenge ultimately failed when i started having problems with Remote Tech 2. I was trying to launch my first communications satellite, but I would lose control of the rocket as soon as it left the pad. The end result of that is that I couldn't stage it and thus it soon after crashed. After trying to launch it dozens of times and making tweaks on many different things (including changing the direction the communication devices pointed, nothing worked and frustration began to build up. Eventually in anger I gave up. I can't complete the challenge if I can't get one communication satellite off the ground.
  5. Five streams within 54 hours. Check the following link for the schedule. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113578-Kerbal-Space-Program-real-time-weekend-challenge-livestream
  6. This weekend starting at 4:00 PM pacific time, I will be starting my own custom Kerbal Space Program Live 56 hour real time weekend challenge. I made a post about the challenge on this forums. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113577-Kerbal-Space-Program-Live-48-hour-real-time-weekend-challenge?p=1796723#post1796723 Check it out for more info. I will go live between 3:30 and 3:40, 20 to 30 minutes before the challenge begins. My twitch channel is http://twitch.tv/openworldaddict Here is the schedule: Friday Go live around 3:30, start challenge at 4:00 PM. First big break about Six for dinner, stream will still be running with music. Continue at 6:30 or 7:00 to 10 PM. At 10 the stream will be shut down so that I can go to bed, but the game will still be running. Saturday 6 AM tomorrow after breakfast I will be streaming again until 9, taking a 30 minute break with stream still going, Will stop stream at 12 to get some chores done, returning at 3pm. Dinner break at 6pm again with stream still running, and stream shutdown is again at 10pm. Sunday will be a general repeat of Saturday's schedule. Next week I will upload highlights of the stream to YouTube and will post them here. Anyone else participating in this challenge... Good Luck.
  7. I am planning to conduct myself on Twitch starting this evening my custom real time weekend challenge. I am posting this in case other people would like to give this a shot as well. The goal is in time of 48 to 54 hours, starting with beginning tech parts (in science mode, you must: 1. Build a communication relay network around Kerbin and the Mun. 2. Map out the surface of Kerbin and the Mun. 4. Build a Mun Karbonite mining colony on the mun 6. Begin sending a science gathering ship to minnus and possibly more. 7. Use IVA for all launches and burns. The point is to see how much infrastructure you can build in the Kerbin Planetary System with in 48 to 54 hours. Here the catch though: Everything must be done in real time, meaning time warp is NOT allowed. You are allowed to sleep, eat, take care of daily chores, whatever else you need to do as long as you check back frequently, have KSP running the entire time; and make sure not to miss your important laucnh, burn and transfer deadlines. Of course all of this must be done live on twitch. Sound's crazy, eh! Well the crazier the better. If you have an idea that is even more intense, then go for it. Here are the mods I will be using, some of which are required for this challenge. Required: Remote Tech Karbonite ScanSat RasterpropMoniter Probe Control Room Vessel Viewer Other mods I will use: Mechjeb (mostly for planning complex maneuvers (which I am not good at), planning rendezvous, and auto-manage docking. Atmospheric Trajectories Kerbal Attachment System Kerbal Inventory System Procedural Fairings Procedural Parts Launch Countdown Final Frontier Kerbal Engineer Redux Kerbal Alarm Clock Ship Manifest Enhanced Navball ActionGroupsExtended ActionsEverywhere StockBugfix modules Dmagic Orbital Science Freight Transport Technologies Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Extraplanetary Launchpads So that is what I will be using. I will create another thread in appropriate forum for my twitch schedule this weekend for the challenge. Good Luck! By the way, there is no scoring, no rewards, just some craziness and see if you can out-do the others. One more note: I said 48 to 56 hours because I am going to do the challenge in 56 hours, but 48 is good goal as well.
  8. I want to know how to convert KSP Time to real time. The reason is that I planning to conduct a Kerbal Space Program 54 hour real time challenge live on twitch. The challenge is to start in science mode at 4 pm on friday to 10 pm on sunday and to see how much I can get done in real time without using time warp. I will most likely be running many missions simultaneously. Now, I am still going to sleep about 6 to 7 hours a night, have 3 meals, and even do other things in that time span, but that whole entire time kerbal space program will be running on the computer, and I will need to be back on my computer on time to meet transfer windows and encounters. I need to know how much time passes in KSP vs. real time so that I can plan my breaks, know exactly how much real time I have until that next burn I need to make, etc. I will have Kerbal Alarm Clock, but that won't help me if I am not there at critical moments. I plan to start streaming at 4 pm and go until 6, take an hour for dinner, then go from 6 to 10, at which point I will go to bed. As soon as I wake up in the morning I will have breakfast and then stream all day in 3 to 4 hour segments with time for lunch and dinner on Saturday, as well as taking care of chores while the game is going. I would again be on until 10 pm saturday night, and then sunday would just be a repeat of saturdays schedule. At the end of Sunday at 9 or 10 pm, I would then see how much progress I have made in those 54 hours. So, how do you convert KSP time to real time?
  9. Laythe is not anywhere near Duna, and I think I am going to go back to what I originally said. Duna is Kerbals equivalent to our Mars, which is why i chose it for the permanent colony, and the idea is that Duna would have a communications system to tell the Kerbals when it is safe to come back to Kerbin. Laythe is just too far away from Kerbin.
  10. However, Procedural parts is still a work in progress, so I am hesitant to use it. Edit: never mind. i found a completed version of it. I will give it a go, but does any body have any other ideas/
  11. I have always used KW rocketry in the past for my heavy lifting. I decided not to use KW rocketry in 0.90 because first all the top post hasn't been edited with a link to the updated mod file (if one has been created), and two KW Rocketry has just too many parts, many of which I don't use. To have so many parts that I don't use just puts a strain on the system, especially since I will be using alot of other parts mods. So what did I use KW Rocketry for. 1. It had some very powerful solid rocket boosters. This is something that the base game lacks, as their only 2 types of SRBs in the stock parts. I forgot what the most powerful ones were called, but if I attached to of those things to a just a command capsule, it would already be more than 100,000 meters up before the SRB ran out of fuel. That is some awesome rocket power, and I used to launch my heaviest payloads. 2. It had very thin stack decouplers. One of the major problems I have with the stock stack decouplers is that most of them are crazy thick. To save on weight I like my decouplers to be thin. So is there another mod that just gives me extremely powerful SRBs and very thin stack decouplers.
  12. I think about it when making the second draft. However, I think Duna is better for a consistent communications network, and it does make it more challenging. I take back what i said about having people in career mode changing their initial difficulty setting because in draft 2 I am going to require some mods for those using career mode that will be a partial financial drain. As I said before I will explain everything in the second draft.
  13. I have been considering what's going into the second draft of this challenge all week, which I will work on in a word document later this week before posting it here. Just to give you an idea about what I've been thinking about. I still think that this a good idea for an epic start to finish space program challenge, but I think it needs to be broken down into measurable phases. I have some ideas that I saw in some of the other challenges in this forum and will be contacting the authors of those challenges to incorporate into my challenge as part of the different phases. Just to give you an overview of what phases I am talking about: Phase 1 would be missions around kerbin and it's moons. It will include gathering as much science as possible from the planet and moons, building a communications network around the kerbin planetary system, building a refuel and repair space station in geostationary orbit directly over KSC, and a mining colony of the mun. Phase 2 would be a misson to eve to get as much science from it's planetary system as possible. Phase 3 would be a mission to Duna to set up the permanent colony there, a mining colony on ike, and the space station that will become the intersellar colony shipyard. Also during phase 3 would the precendent to set up a more permanent program architecture and transport system. Phase 4 would see the start of the construction of the Interstellar Colony ship in orbit around Duna while a small interplanetary colony ship is being built around Kerbin with a planned mission to Jool to colonize Jool's moons, get as much science from them as possible, and to build mining colonies on them returning to Kerbin with all the science and resources. Phase 5 Would see science missions sent out to the other planets to finish the research on the intersellar technologies. Phase 6 Would see the launch of the Interstelllar Colony Ship. Each phase would have it's own timeline of when it needs to start and when it needs to finish in order fit everything into the timeline of the challenge. On further thing that the person who posted above brought to my attention, people playing on career mode must start with the least of amount of money possible as well as cutting down rewards from contracts to %50. However, science mode is still going to be the preferable mode for this challenge. and so that is my idea. Of course I will flesh them out more fully in the second draft of the challenge. Of course if anyone has any other ideas to make this challenge better, let me know.
  14. Thanks everyone for providing me with solutions to most likely the biggest annoyance I have with Kerbal Space Program. I can now feel confident about taking kerbals out on EVA without worrying about losing them to the void of space. I did one final test today. i launched a mock-up space station that had a stock space station core, a science module (even though I was in sandbox mode0, and a mechjeb probe pod to ensure I could launch it without a kerbal on board. I also added one winch to it, near the hatch to the hitch-hiker pod. Once that was in space, I launch a three man vessel with a shielded docking port on top. After having mechjeb do the rendevous and docking (but at first it couldn't dock because I forgot to open up the docking port shielding). Once docked then i took one kerbal from the rocket down some stairs that I placed on it to where the winch was. I had the kerbal grab it, let go of the rocket, and using a combination of rcs jetpack as well as the winch controls, I maneuvered the kerbal over to where the other winch was near the hatch to the station. Once the kerbal got close enough, I had him switch connectors and then i used the winch control to bring him in close enough so that he could board the station. With that a success, I tried the process again in the opposite direction after retracting both winches. This time it was quite a bit harder, but I managed to do it and soon the kerbal was safetly aboard the rocket. With that i detached the rocket from the space station, used the rcs on the rocket to get some distance from the station, and then made the re-entry burn to send the rocket to back home. Once the rocket had safetly returned to Kerbin, I went back a de-orbited the station. I even had mechjeb plot of re-entry course that would plop the station down in the ocean of the coast of the KSC as one final showoff because this EVA testing in now finally over for me. Wish me good luck in my future endeavors, with hope of never losing another kerbal in orbit again.
  15. So yesterday I created a new game in Sandbox mode to test out the solutions to this EVA problem that i am having. I had KAS installed and built a orbit achievable rocket with a radial winch attached to the side and a ladder extending down from the cockpit hatch to ensure that my kerbal stays attached to the ship before he grabs the connector. The plan was to do to EVA tests, one with just grabbing the winch and seeing what happens and if I could get the Kerbal back on board. The second test was to use the RCS jetpack while attached to the winch to see what happens and if I could get the Kerbal back safely on board. The ship also had a probe command unit. Once I got the ship into a stable orbit, I executed my first EVA test, hitting the EVA button and then moving the Kerbal down on the ladder to where the winch was. Then I had him grab the connector and let go of the vessel. After floating around for a few minutes I found that I did not float too far. I could not get the ship to reel the Kerbal back in even with its probe command part, however it was to much of a struggle to get the kerbal back to the ladder to grab on and get on board. I do have to say the success of this first test does make doing eva to get eva reports for science gameplay mode possible, but I will have to do further tests in that mode to determine how early I could get the winch out as well as testing working with those science reports while on EVA. After the moderate success of the first test I was feeling good and so decided to go ahead with test #2, and that's when things went awry. As soon as a hit the EVA button, the kerbal was sent flying away from the ship. I didn't even have time to grab the connector (which by the way was still out.) and before I knew it the ship disappeared from site. So I scrapped that mission and launch the same rocket again for the second test, and initiated it once in orbit again. This time it began as normal. My kerbal came out at the hatch, I moved him down the ladder and grabbed the winch connector. Once attached to the winch I allow him to let go and float away, then I activated his RCS jetpack; and that's when things went all wrong. Even with the smallest of movements with the jetpack, he was moving all over the place, even though he stayed connected to the winch. I had trouble determine which direction he was moving and how fast he was going; as well as I wasn't sure about his orientation to the vessel, so trying to move torward the vessel was very hard. Eventually I made contact but he came in so fast that he bounced off and started head out in the other direction. Eventually after many attempts to bring him back and many bounce passes, his jetpack ran out of fuel and he was stuck. Not being able to reel him in using the winch, I forced to end the mission. So those were my attempts yesterday. One success and two failures. I noticed the posts on this thread yesterday evening after conducting those tests, and have downloaded the bug fix mod mentioned. I will be installing it today and then going back in game for another EVA test using the caps lock method for more RCS precision. I will report later on to let you know how that worked. Edit: So, I already installed the bug fixes mod and went into game to redo test #2. Again, once I started up the RCS jetpack things got out of control as happened before, but I was able to reel him back in using the ijkl keys mentioned above. (the caps lock thing didn't work). It took alot of tries to align him up with the ladder, but eventually I was able to get him to grab a hold of the ladder, let go of the winch connector and climb back on board. Before the launch I also added the winch retract to an action key which i used after the test to bring the winch connector back in, something which i could not do before. Overall, it was a moderately successful test (RCS jetpack part still failed but winch worked like a wonder). I may need some more time with the RCS jetpack, but knowing that I can always use the winch to help me get the Kerbal back on board will make me more comfortable with doing more EVA missions. EVA is most important when building space stations and interplanetary spaceships. So my next test which I will do this evening (maybe earlier if I get the chance) will be to launch a space station and then launch another rocket to connect to the station and see if I can use EVA after docking to help secure the connection with struts and fuel lines and whatever else needs to be done while building a station. I will let you know how that goes. I do still have a few questions: 1. How early in the tech tree do you get KAS parts like the winch. 2. Let's say I have a winch on the space station and a winch on the rocket. If I can the kerbal get to the other winch, can I switch which winch that my kerbal is connected to?
  16. The problem I have with RCS is that you have to be very light on the keys to control it exactly, but that is very hard for me, especially when using a keyboard. If I was using a joystick, that would be another matter, maybe over time with practice of tiny movements I may be able to use it better, but tiny movements with the keyboard is impossible for me. Many times when I have a deficiency that inhibits my enjoyment of the game, I turn to mods to help me out. I do have disabilities caused by stroke when I was an infant, and that means that my hand-eye co-ordination is not perfect, and that effects thing like this. Using RCS thrusters is a kin to anything that requires fine-hand movements (or the ability to move your hand in tiny controlled increments), which for me to try is a constant battle. It is this reason why I found 3d graphic design in college so frustrating. One slip of my hand would ruin the whole thing I was trying to do, and that kind of thing happened often. This is not something that I can just improve over time with practice. It is some thing that I have to accommodate for. Yes, it is true that with the right tools (like controlling RCS with a joystick) I might be able to figure out how to compensate for the problem, but that doesn't make the problem go away.
  17. I am afraid to take my kerbals out on EVA, because every damn time one goes on EVA, they get seperated from the capsule and once that happens it is almost impossible to get them back to the ship. The reason why is that I am absolutely terrible when it comes to controlling RCS thrusters. I can never get RCS thruster movements right, and all my efforts usually just make the situation worse. That is why i use mods like Mechjeb to do my docking maneuvers for me, because otherwise i would never be able to dock things. However being able EVA in space is very important, not to just get EVA reports for science, but also to fix problems with the spaceships; and they are the only way that space stations and very large ships can be built. In the real world astronauts have some kind of rope or something that are attached to the ship or station and also attached to their suits, and this prevents them from floating away. I was looking for something like that in a mod for Kerbal Space Program. I heard that Kerbal Attachment System has something that I could use, but I have no idea of how to go about using it. I would really appreciate is someone uploaded a video or a series of photos showing how the things in that mod could be use to secure kerbals during EVA.
  18. Note: This is not a complete challenge which other people should try out. Instead it is a proof of concept or a first draft of the challenge. I am putting this out there to get my ideas for a challenge out into the Kerbal Space Program community,with the hope that with community feedback I could then improve and eventually finalize the challenge for full publication on these forums. This challenge isn't something that I myself can do right now, but it is going to be a goal for me to aim for, something that I want to accomplish in my time with Kerbal Space Program. My hope is that by watching others more experienced complete this challenge I will learn from them in my endeavors to complete this challenge myself. So... here is my ideas for the challenge. Backstory; Life on Kerbin is going to be over in the next 100 years. (either through global warming, global catastrophe, or whatever you can think of.) So the governments on Kerbin have banded together to create the Kerbal Interstellar Colonization Space Program. Their plan: They want to be able to evacuate at least ¾ of all kerbals on the planet. Some of them will be placed in a colony on Duna, but everyone else will be heading off to seed kerbal life on distant star systems. The idea is that when Kerbin becomes habitable once more, the colony of Duna will send out a message to the other stars that Kerbin can now be returned to. You have been put in charge of the first phase of this interstellar program. You're charge is not to see this plan come to fruition, but to lay down the ground work for it; doing the needed research to improve the technology kerbals have available, and to conduct the needed tests that will makes this plan a reality. Objective: You will need to build a prototype interstellar colony ship which is self-sustaining. With only the colony ship in the immediate area, kerbals must be able to: Build and Launch new rocket ships, probes, and satellites. Collect resources for fuel and rocket parts and finally be able to build self-sustaining colonies on distant planets. This ship cannot be built in orbit of Kerbin or any of it's moons because the governments fear that kerbals with telescopes will see the construction and panic. Best place to build it is in orbit of Duna which will need it's own colony as well. Building a self-sustaining colony on Duna (of 30 or more Kerbals) may actually help with the construction of the interstellar colony ship. Once constructed, the ship will need to go on it's maiden voyage. This voyage must be captained by none other than Jebudiah Kermin, and hold 100 kerbals for colonization. The ship will go on an interstellar journey to any one star system outside the Kerbal system, will then plant a colony on one of the available planets, and then it must return to the Kerbal system so that Jebudiah can land back on Kerbin to report his success. From that point onward, the ship that you have built will become the schematics that all the goverments on Kerbin use to build all the other colony ships to evacuate Kerbin. Here is the needed timeline that this needs to occur by: 20 years from the start of the program, the interstellar colony ship must already be under construction. 30 years form the start, the colony ship must be ready to go. And after 50 years from the start, Jebudiah Kermin must be back on Kerbin to report his success. The reason for this tight schedule is because the goverments on Kerbin must begin the construction process for all the other ships by the second half of the century so that they have enough time for the evacuation to commence. One final note: The challenge can not be completed in Sandbox mode. Science mode is acceptable, but you can try career mode if you want an even greater challenge. Challenge entries are done either by recording a video of the interstellar colony ships maiden voyage, or by streaming it on twitch (although a complete series of the challenge on YouTube or twitch would be nice for those wanting to learn how to do it themselves,) or creating a KSP After Action Report thread on these forums. (pictures are a must.) So that is the basic idea of the challenge in a nutshell. Here's some required mods for the challenge (although this list is not completely comprehensive.) Remote Tech ScanSat Either Kethane, Karbonite, or other alternative resource for fuel mod. Your choice. TAC Life Support Extraplanetary Launchpads USI Kolonization Systems KSP Intersellar any mod that adds more star systems to the game. For even greater challenge, but not required; are these optional mods: Rastorpropmoniter with vessel view and Probe Control room mods. Your choice of aerospace dynamics mods(FAR or NEAR) Deadly Re-Entry. So I am not sure entries would be scored. One idea that i have been playing with is time-based scoring. For example: 1. you must start construction of the ship by year 20 as per the rules. Eveyone who does so gets 100 points. However, you can get 200 points for starting it by year 15, 300 points for starting it by year 10, and 400 points for starting it by year 5. 2. The ship must be complete and tested by year 30 as per the rules. Eveyone who does so gets 100 points. However, you can get 200 points for doing it by year 25, 300 points by year 20, 400 points by year 15, etc. 3. Jebudiah must be back by year 50 as per the rules. Everyone who does so gets 200 points. You get more points the early he comes back, as before. So that is it. Again this is only a proof of concept, or rough draft. Please let me know what you think of it, and if there is anything that I can do to improve it. This challenge requires community feedback to be finalized.
  19. I am looking for some mods that add complete rocket ships that are made to accomplish different tasks, like landing a kerbal on the mun, minnus, or the different planets, launch ScanSat satellites, Remote Tech satellites, refueling space stations, science space stations, space ship construction stations, and even rocket ships that are designed to carry colonization equipment to other planets. All the manned prefab rocket ships should have a alternative one with life support capability when using mods such as TAC Life Support; as well all of them should have alternative ships that have re-entry shields for use with Deadly Re-entry. It is not that I am incapable of building things like these myself, or am just lazy; but spending hours of hours of trying to build and launch rockets to complete specific goals, with extra hours of hours of tweaking so they can only just get into orbit; all that can be very draining to the point where it becomes a chore. Then when add mods lie Deadly re-entry, or TAC Life support, and now your new ships need even more parts for your kerbals to survive, all your original designs have to go back to the drawing board because the added weight of these new parts changes everything. That itself can be very frustrating. These prefab ships are not meant to replace the creation of our own rocket ships. Some times you are just tired of fiddling around with things and just want to get something accomplished. That is when these prefab ships would really lighten your day. And maybe just by studying them and trying to figure out how they were built you can even learn something from them to use in future projects.
  20. I found another solution. Since I don't use desktop shortcut's your solution did not work for me, but the one I found may work for other people, which is why I am posting it. I launch most of my games directly from steam since I have a lot of steam games and I don't want game shortcuts cluttering up my desktop. The only problem is that every time it launches, it launches into 64 bit mode. I've learned that this is just a default setup, a setup that can be changed. Here's how to do it: (note these instructions are is only for Windows 7) 1. From your steam library, right click on the Kerbal Space Program link and left click on 'Properties' in the contextual pop-up menu. This will bring up the Steam properties dialog box associated with the game. 2. Go over to the 'Local Files' tab in the Steam game properties dialog box, then left click the 'Browse Local Files' button. This will bring up the Kerbal Space Center game folder in your windows explorer. 3. Scroll down until you see the file 'Launcher.exe' double click that. This will bring up the Kerbal Space Program Launcher. Because Steam usually launches from one of the other two exe files, you will never see this launcher unless you open it up from the game folder. 4. Click on the gear icon at the bottom of the launcher. This will change the launcher to show launcher options. 5. Click the advanced button on top to bring up the advanced options page. 6. Click to deselect the option that reads 'Run 64 bit player', then click apply, and then accept. 7. Quit the launcher, close down the Steam game properties dialog box, and launch the game. If you follow these instructions to the letter, the game should now launch in 32 bit mode.
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