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Everything posted by Kaos

  1. Some parts, like regular landing gears or engines, should be massive enough to sink. Some other parts, for example fuel tanks, especially when empty, should not be able to withstand the water pressure when under certain depth. All in all a more flexible handling of floating might be interesting.
  2. In principal a nice suggestion. The downside I see is that this increases the possibilities to be accidential in regular time warp, which happens to me sometimes and given the faq for why your craft does not react, I am not the only one. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/FAQ#Why_I_can.27t_control_the_ship_anymore.3F
  3. I once came back in an orbit with periapsis of short over 70km. I used some EVA trips to push the periapsis to about 60km, then I used the atmosphere of many orbits to land. So, yes: I pushed it home.
  4. After grabbing an asteroid I realized something about the orientation of my drills...
  5. Interesting mod. The delta-v to the other stars is really high, but still doable. The same with the flight time. The navball is spinning strange in interstellar orbit, but I guess this is because of precision problems of KSP itself. In a galaxy the stars are on a bit more chaotic trajectories and not so well ordered as in this mod. Perhaps it would be nice if some of the stars would have at least more elliptical orbits. But one should keep the delta-v in mind there. Nice work, fair comprimise of sizes as far as I have seen. I have not reached another system yet (1h on highest time warp left).
  6. The second biome can already give fewer science. Let us say for example that each biome gives 15% fewer science than the biome before. This will not be that much less in the first few, and very few when doing a lot of biomes but has no hard turnnig point at which the reduction starts. Anyway, very good idea.
  7. The flight does not look unstable. So I do not understand your problem and cannot answer the question.
  8. I find it highly unrealistic that ore can be converted into fuel with 100% mass efficiency. I'd rather like the mass efficiency to be somewhere around 10%. Hence, for role-play reasons I always put my converter into the lander (for direct missions) or into a ground base (when building infrastructure).
  9. Removal of some bugs in 1.04 will happen first. Main focus seems to be moving to unity 5.
  10. At the moment all parts I am aware of float really good. I would indeed like to have that changed and in the same update rafts added.
  11. I like science mode the most, but I miss the XP concept und upgradable buildings there.
  12. There are some alternatives. Different players could be in different timeframes, as long as they do not interfere (with a "waiting for player" message if they do so), or all maneuver have to be given in advance and there is a constant time compression rate, or as third solution the timewarp is the minimal timewarp requested by any player. All these solutions have their downside, but MMO and realism do not totaly exclude each other in this kind of game.
  13. This bug also happens under Linux Version 1.0.2 Windows 32-bit, all stock.
  14. I seem to have found the same bug, but did not find this thread before posting. My bug report is http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125570-No-thrust-when-ISRU-is-active
  15. I had a bug and found out what trigered it but thought it might be worth sharing it. I started a craft from Minmus with ISRU unit still running (full ore tanks for a little bit extra fuel). After some time the thrust completely vanished. I could increase and decrease the thrust and the fire under the rocket was shown, but no fuel was consumed and no thrust produced. Then I tried to turn of the ISRU and then everything worked fine again. KSP version: 1.03 for Linux, no mods
  16. I can imagine that the same mechanism that is used to add KSC can also be used to do this. If it is solved this way, it should not even be hard to implement planetary constructions of buildings, which I would also like. If not, it might be hard to implement and hence need a while.
  17. If high ISP RCS thrusters were neccessary, I would prefer ion RCS instead of nuclear RCS. But I do not see the neccessarity for that, even more as we now have ISRU and thus Monoprop available nearly everywhere. Admittedly ion RCS would be somehow cool, but not neccessary.
  18. Nothing was about "no feedback". Well, if you prefer it without feedback there might be a way to ignore it, but you sound more sarcastic without the imagination that someone else indeed might like it. The Falcon 9-Rocket for example can reach orbit with the loss of one arbitrary engine. I think it might be fun to build a rocket in KSP that can do the same and to test that. But of course only as long as this feature can be disabled.
  19. I like the idea, as long as one can turn this feature off. The randomized maximal tolerances are even better.
  20. My most recent fail is an Eve lander with drills too far up, so they do not rech the ground. I have not decided yet, how to rescue it Most fails are in an easy game mode (aka. with quicksaves), as I prefer to try and repair then. In hard game modes (no quicksave, 20%-30% reward settings) about half of my fails are bugs. As long as we do not have failing parts, I see that as an alternative, so I keep them without quicksaves. Out of fuel rarely happens, as I tend to have much infrastructure.
  21. I once had a totally wobbling rocket. Then I added a fairing, because the payload was very irregular and I though this would be a good chance to test fairings. It was still a bit to wobbly afterwards, but it definitively helped; 4 struts did the rest to a successfull launch. So yes: I use them, but rarely.
  22. Quantum mechanics has nothing to do with speed of light. Even particle accelerators do not require quantum mechanics. We even havo those (Xenon). And I think the sun uses quantum mechanics to produce heat, which then produces light. This light empowers solar arrays for your spacecraft, with the help of quantum mechanics. Concrete ideas how to further include quantum mechanics might be used and are more helpful than just to suggest quantum mechanics for its own sake. I for myself qould indeed like to build a neutrino detector on another planet (or something different which you nearly cannot finish without local ressources). But it might be not worth the effort in the current state of the game where other important features are still missing.
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