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Everything posted by WanderingKid

  1. If you want reality, yes, I agree that it was a lot harder for our own rocket programs at first. Noone here is trying to take away from their accomplishment. The problem is that most new players, and a lot of experienced players like myself, are simply not rocket scientists. I learned how to play through stubbornness and tutorials about how spaceflight worked. If I wasn't so fricking stubborn (I play DF, that should everything) I would probably have tossed the game in the graveyard. It is unreasonable to expect new players to HAVE to read pages upon pages of tutorials and a few hours of videos to be able to make basic maneuvers. The game should be teaching them that (I've done the training, it doesn't). To add to that, the guys in the ships weren't the only one doing the calculations. They had teams of mathmaticians and physicists on the ground relaying up to them what to do, and when, even for Gemini and Apollo.
  2. Hard vs. Easy has nothing to do with the progression of the game, so I think you're on target with the reasons for your examination. If you were whining about the amount of science you're getting, funds pressure, or something like that, it'd be a different story. There's something to be said that the LV-909 in the 45 tier and lowered science returns possibly interfering with expectations, but that's a detailed examination of exact values to determine. I agree that the gate for conics in particular is a poor choice. Asteroids? Absolutely. Conics and Maneuver Nodes? Not so much. I like the idea of 'range' being the Tracking Center's gate. You could also gate the Tracking Center with range for usage of probe cores, though I'd personally rather see that done via antenna on the probe core itself. Mission Control is also tied into the problem. You need to upgrade both mission control AND the Tracking Station for Maneuver Nodes. This is definitely something a newer player needs. While I know that if I burn out to roughly the right orbit after eyeballing the AN/DN and making a burn there to save dV for my Kerbal rendezvous, I'd agree a newer player wouldn't know this. In the end, though, you're right. They're gating the tools that make it much easier to learn to play without the tools. I haven't had the chance tonight to dig deeply into the tech tree organization, but this post made me go poke around a while. I had no idea they pushed the Micro up that far. Those are probe landing legs, usually used with the 48-7S, and would barely reach past the 909. My guess is they did it because they break the easiest, but you're absolutely correct. This is a poorly played out organization of the tree. The only thought I have about why you would use the micro's at that stage was to give your capsule some legs after it parachuted into Kerbin. Of particular annoyance is starting with the modular girder, and not getting struts until the 45 tier as well. There are little to no uses for those girders in the very early game unless you're very experienced and playing with experimental crash cages. Of truly particular curiousity is locking the FLT-800 up along side *3* rockomax tanks and the fuel hose. Looking this process over, I'm more and more convinced you're not meant for a Munshot until you're in the 90 tier of science. That's when you get your first solar panels... and wow you'll be avoiding tons of satellite spam until you get them (unless they fixed that little bug of the Probe Core opening it before you have everything you need to successfully complete it). For the Tech Tree, I'm sure a thread will open up shortly on it for a complete overhaul of the config file. It's completely user editable now, in theory, so hopefully someone can rebuild it more intuitively.
  3. There appears to be a balance point after you've done your orbital burn for spaceplanes where you can have your lift continue to raise Apo beyond your drag point. Seems to knock off ~65k for a 1 lift : 1 ton craft.
  4. Tweak the ore container and fill it with ore, you now have ore. Similar to emptying a fuel tank, just in reverse.
  5. Have you tried using the ISRU Converter? The thing overheats like mad, particularly on Kerbin (working on getting a full rig to Mun). Once we get heat radiators figured out it might be more useful but for the moment I overheated it creating 12 fuel and it's associated oxidizer. You couldn't even hope to convert fuel -> usable material at a useful rate, you'll have to bring along sizable empty storage tanks for the LF+O between 'hops'. The only plus side it has is that it'll run while you're not watching it at something like 0.51% Load. Edit: I should add it's an electricity hog as well. I've sustained Ion Engines easier.
  6. Alright, help me out folks? I appear to be missing something that I guess should be obvious... but isn't. So, Ore, there's three stages of data collection. 1) Stick the big antenna in space. 2) Go over the surface with the little antenna, manually checking areas you'd like to land for lat/long (which you have NO idea of where you are via in game controls...) 3) Go hit a biome with the little guy (landed or below 1000m) for a more discreet amount of information. So, now you've got your big old drill truck and you're trying to go somewhere just *tasty!* to drill up some ore at. You have no idea where you're going because unless you've got the big old satellite array ON that vehicle, you can't see the overlay. You can't turn on the overlay in map view unless you've activated it on your ship... or you're in the Tracking Station, so you're probably not quite sure where to use your Narrow Band scanner. Other than 'eyeballing it' from one ship and landing in another, is there some way to mark a target area/position for ore collection?
  7. Great. I thought I'd read someone found one during the streams. Ah well, rats.
  8. Can someone tell me where the deltaV calculator in the Debug Alt-F12 menu is? I can't seem to find it. Can find thermal, but not deltaV.
  9. I started looking at the new atmo, and as far as I can tell densities changed significantly, including floor and ceiling, from the old system. So, I snagged a rocket, went straight up, and recorded the PresMat's values (heights are approximate within 50 meters low - 200m high): 1m (Launchpad): 100.1008 1000m: 87.0791 3000m: 63.4198 5000m: 45.1837 10,000m: 17.5661 15,000m: 6.5229 18,000m: 3.6307 (This is when I can start seriously pushing the speed on a spaceplane) 20,000m: 2.4882 22,000m: 1.668 24,000m: 1.1684 26,000m: 0.7971 (Roughly where my 2 radial intake/1 turbojet SP's are cutting out completely on engines) 30,000m: 0.3897 35,000m: 0.1628 40,000m: 0.0767 45,000m: 0.0344 50,000m: 0.0147 55,000m: 0.006 60,000m: 0.0022 68,400m: Vacuum I was nearly convinced they'd moved the atmo ceiling down to 60k with how things were reacting. XD But, in case anyone's curious as well, figured I'd just drop this off here.
  10. You are able to get to the site now, the front page is open. Click buy now, then on that page login. Then go to account. You should be able to download from the account page. Might take a few tries, the website seems a little flakey connecting up properly on occasion.
  11. Direct download of new install complete from the site. Thanks Squad. If you get a server migration comment or if it flips out back to the front screen, just backspace to return to the download screen and try again. Took a few tries to get it to fire.
  12. Considering every time I go up to www.kerbalspaceprogram.com I keep getting a Server is in migration page, I'm going to assume this isn't releasing until morning... or mid-afternoon... possibly 11:59 PM tomorrow.
  13. Whether or not I agree with the laws, they exist. That he's not making money (can have NO ads on the channel or screen when it occurs) can get away from some of the concerns. Most of the loopholes, as you put it, are for fair use laws for criticism of a particular item. The reason I'm warning him isn't because I care if he borrows Wile E. or not. I happen to like the character. However, YouTube gets fascinatingly insane with copyright take down requests and you better be damned sure you're in the clear if you want to keep your channel up. I've had a claim put against my channel for part of a song that was being played outside my window by a slowly passing car and was (poorly) drowned out by my background music. It's messy to get released and strikes against your account sit there with significant impact. It's seriously not worth the hassle if you care about keeping a particular channel.
  14. Yes, he is. I left. (Paraphrased from) his own words: I have nothing prepared and haven't looked at it in for over a week because I've been moving. The first 15 minutes were him admiring Dres, the graphics, and basically poking around at new and shiny. I personally feel I've wasted every minute I've been on twitch today. I expected presentations, not unboxing ceremonies. Probably my own fault for having said expectations. I avoid most livestreams for a reason.
  15. Rats. I had high hopes for Kofeyh being on the ball and going through stuff in a rapid fashion (he was the only one I recognized for today), but he apparently ended up moving and having a week of downtime. I'll check back in on the streams tomorrow. If I want to watch someone flail around in the new version, I can watch myself do that in 2 days.
  16. Not a fan of MechJeb, personally. I've gotten quite familiar with the KER interface and would prefer to keep using it when it's available.
  17. It wasn't in the engineer's report that Das showed before I abandoned watching the stream. As far as I can tell, there's no built in dV report still. Looks like I'll be installing KER right after 1.0 finishes downloading.
  18. I had the same problem with the stream. Thanks for pointing out Winter Owl.
  19. Finishing a massive Duna mission I've been planning for ~16 episodes.
  20. Nothing against Das, but I was hoping for more of a rundown on all the new items in an efficient and planned fashion for the live streams this weekend rather than a "Look I just downloaded it!" kind of thing. Does anyone know if any of the streamers are planning on an organized runthrough?
  21. You'll have to be a bit more specific then "Circular Graph Thingy", I fear. dV is usually simply calculated via the full and dry mass of your ship, Isp, and a gravity constant (9.82 for Kerbin). Is it a way to calculate dV required going to particular orbital heights or something like that?
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