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Everything posted by Phobose

  1. Sorry for posting so quickly about two things, but I'd like to show another creation! I've always been inspired by Halo and I love the idea of the ODSTs. I made a ship that can dock with a space station and then some time later return to anywhere on Kerbin and deploy a large squad of soldiers. This design includes a command pod along with 12 drop pods. IIRC, it's mostly stock, with anything that isn't (KW engines, cones) easily swappable for stock parts. I start releasing each individual pod from the main ship at around 4000m, and I'm working on optimizing the chute deploy heights so that the pods spend the least amount of time in the air while obviously landing safely. imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/mzVwO#0 Some random pictures from said album:
  2. Hey guys, just wanted to throw a design out there that I've been working on in 0.9. (It uses interstellar, KW and B9 so I'm stuck until they're all updated...) Yeah it uses mods, but they're so pretty O.o Lame question, but does embedding an imgur album right in a reply work? Or pictures if albums aren't cool It's a carrier that can carry that little ship in its bay. Has lots of room for kerbals and I'm still thinking of versions that add more firepower
  3. I've had a couple of them get stuck between other engines when I forgot to rotate them when in a 3 engine configuration. Reloading fixed it though. Luckily no damage Thanks for the welcome.
  4. Hello everyone, I've been playing for awhile now and am fairly proficient with moving around the kerbol system, but I'm always looking for cool ideas, improvements, and maybe even mods that aren't too crazy. I've got a simple question that I can't find an answer for (at least with 15 minutes of Googling). Do the farings that get jettisoned from the atomic engines before they activate hold some of the total mass of the engine? It'd be nice if some of the high mass was associated with lead shielding or something like that. Thanks -Phobose
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