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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. As someone who doesn't know how to do the scripting, how would I go about doing this? Or is there somewhere you could direct me for general instructions?
  2. I have ~900. I must have missed some steps too. This must be what some of the issues I'm having are related to.
  3. First off, I just wanted to say thank you for replying so quickly and being on top of everything. I was hoping you could help me with an issue of not being able to load the tanks with fuels. If I right click on the tank, usually I can pick the fuel type, but now when I click the button, it doesn't do anything. Any ideas?
  4. Thanks! All the mods in the OP are installed except for Kerbal Engineer Redux. I think the streamer was using an earlier version which was throwing me off. I got the stretchable fuel tanks when I upgraded to Basic Rocketry, where he got it when he started. Just to be clear, these are the starting propulsion systems when you only take the free tech except the "to be sorted" ones, correct?
  5. I just tried to install this group of mods (pretty new to KSP in general) and I've been watching BadashGames' channel on it. I've noticed I have a don't have the choices in stretchy tanks he has. I wanted to makes sure this was just a change not a glitch or something I installed as an extra. I seem to have some options, but they're all only solid fuel. I have some liquid rockets, just no tanks beyond an odd circular one and some really tiny one that I can load full of any fuel, but I can't seem to figure out how to load it full of a liquid fuel. Any help for a noob here?
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