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Everything posted by FiahOwl

  1. wtf, I also dubbed mine spaceworthy... Lol, coincidence much? Anyways, Spaceworthy 1 is a two stage rocket I made long ago. All it does is get into space.
  2. But wouldn\'t it look better with clouds? Not trying to steal your job.
  3. Yeah, I heard James Cameron went over the the Rigel Kentaurus A system to shoot Avatar.
  4. Wouldn\'t Jall and Eve be a bit orangish from Kerbol? First pic: Jall Second pic: Me putting Jall on an eccentric orbit.
  5. Untill someone puts a crack up and half of the community downloads it and act\'s like they bought the game
  6. YAY! Thank you so much HarvesteR!
  7. Well, we are talking about doughnut worlds and a 0.01 sun mass star with the habitable zone as far our as Gliese 581...
  8. Lol, I just noticed it looks like Bill is sitting in a yoga position.
  9. I feel very guilty. Eh, check the first page. I just added a little.
  10. Why unnatural eccentric and inclinous orbits?
  11. Does Anyone know the masses of the planets? I want to model it in Universe Sandbox but I want to know the masses. Also, the orbital periods, the Class of the star, etc. Because Kerbin would have to orbit between the orbits of Venus and Mercury to be in the habitable zone of a K2V star with .75 Solar masses Unless Kerbol is expanding into a red giant, rendering Kerbol habitable while the HZ Expands, I. Which I see why they are trying to ditch Kerbin.
  12. Here is a demo about the flight of my Aerlantis. I forgot to deploy the parachutes... www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NNMMN1mA4Y#t=4m56s
  13. I don\'t remember the mod name... Let me check!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X2zHheHG4M Here is my Aerlanta I and it\'s very kerbal landing mechanics.
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