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Mista Mista

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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. evolution of my stock station design Very first version took 15 launches to assemble. Each fuel tank was docked separately. The docking hub also took 5 trips. Follow up model was much cleaner, had it down to 7 launches, also added Xeon gas tanks When the asteroid grabber and science came out, station got slightly tweaked. Sending up large sections together, i was able to do it in 5 launches. Simplified the docking hub My previous station got bugged and the docking ports stopped working, so i refined the design. Switching the 6 Rockomax tanks for 3 Kerbodyne. Beefing up the RCS and Xeon stocks as well Latest version is only 200 parts Takes 3 launches to build, sending the tanks up empty and filling them later. Craft file folder if any one fancies assembling it https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-za_GuHaum3VVBNaFFUcWl4RW8&usp=sharing Assembled one in LKO, then sent it to Laythe
  2. i have unzipped the contents, merged the folders, but i don't get any 'enable agm' button? i use to use actions on the fly. that's not available anymore. i can not get this to work. any suggestions?
  3. SSTO, The Quim. All stock, Very tasty Here is a video of take off, rendezvous and docking the Quim to my space station https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr9UkBw7FoU The Quim SSTO craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-za_GuHaum3aVRZelNZLXJkZ3M/edit?usp=sharing
  4. All Stock Modular Space Station 8 separate sections. sent up in 6 - 7 trips. here are the craft files. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-za_GuHaum3clRORGg5Qi1Yd28&usp=sharing Each part has a launch vehicle. But use what ever launcher you are use to. Just attach underneath the RCS tank Station design - sections joined by Snr docking ports to reduce oscillation - Docking array safely distanced from solar panels and fuel tanks - Xeon tank section puts comfortable distance between the fuel and research/habitat can - no rcs thrusters on any part, minimize part numbers This is a rendezvous and dock with the station. Docking 10 mins in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr9UkBw7FoU using the station docking section https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zewa9daa2q8#t=10
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