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Mista Mista

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Everything posted by Mista Mista

  1. evolution of my stock station design Very first version took 15 launches to assemble. Each fuel tank was docked separately. The docking hub also took 5 trips. Follow up model was much cleaner, had it down to 7 launches, also added Xeon gas tanks When the asteroid grabber and science came out, station got slightly tweaked. Sending up large sections together, i was able to do it in 5 launches. Simplified the docking hub My previous station got bugged and the docking ports stopped working, so i refined the design. Switching the 6 Rockomax tanks for 3 Kerbodyne. Beefing up the RCS and Xeon stocks as well Latest version is only 200 parts Takes 3 launches to build, sending the tanks up empty and filling them later. Craft file folder if any one fancies assembling it https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-za_GuHaum3VVBNaFFUcWl4RW8&usp=sharing Assembled one in LKO, then sent it to Laythe
  2. i have unzipped the contents, merged the folders, but i don't get any 'enable agm' button? i use to use actions on the fly. that's not available anymore. i can not get this to work. any suggestions?
  3. SSTO, The Quim. All stock, Very tasty Here is a video of take off, rendezvous and docking the Quim to my space station https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr9UkBw7FoU The Quim SSTO craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-za_GuHaum3aVRZelNZLXJkZ3M/edit?usp=sharing
  4. All Stock Modular Space Station 8 separate sections. sent up in 6 - 7 trips. here are the craft files. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-za_GuHaum3clRORGg5Qi1Yd28&usp=sharing Each part has a launch vehicle. But use what ever launcher you are use to. Just attach underneath the RCS tank Station design - sections joined by Snr docking ports to reduce oscillation - Docking array safely distanced from solar panels and fuel tanks - Xeon tank section puts comfortable distance between the fuel and research/habitat can - no rcs thrusters on any part, minimize part numbers This is a rendezvous and dock with the station. Docking 10 mins in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr9UkBw7FoU using the station docking section https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zewa9daa2q8#t=10
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