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Everything posted by lo-fi

  1. Thank you, that's perfect. I can see what's going wrong, but I've no idea why yet. I'll get back over the weekend.
  2. Indeed, they ought to be gone in flight. Could you post a log please, obviously something not right there.
  3. I tend to use mono engines with repulsor craft, and plenty of. I've been quietly working on the repulsors and have a new version almost ready for testing. They now _always_ push against the ground, regardless of orientation. I've added some effects too... I'll update over the weekend.
  4. No (major) bugs, no (public) development. A job well done, really. I'm still hacking away at the odd bit here and there, but progress is slow.
  5. Thanks, this could be a real pain. Is it possible this was just an edge case with a partially corrupt save or something similar?
  6. Cheers Inspiring to many generations! Because it was so darn cool, that's why Might get around to building Crablogger in ksp for a laugh one of these days... Tweakscale, my friend, tweakscale!
  7. All except the surface track, which steers like a wheel. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x28x1gu_01-thunderbirds-trapped-in-the-sky_shortfilms Well before our time, but boy did that guy have an imagination!! Fast forward to around 45:00 Oh, by the way, I seem to have got the hitch working in time warp. Still a lot of bugs to iron out to make it properly usable, but I think this one is feasible. As will tie downs for undocked rovers.
  8. The arrows on the hitch are a hangover from some debugging stuff. Since gone, but the rest is so broken, I haven't even released it to you guys. I've got a lead on the time warp problem, but with the Krakensbane stuff it's a snake pit of positions and velocities. Not easy. The small track is missing a module to remove the arrows in flight - I must have missed it. You mean like landing FireFlash in Trapped in the Sky? That would be hilarious and damn near impossible
  9. Oh cool, cheers! And looks like the arrows aren't getting removed outside the editor for the small tracks - I'll put that right.
  10. Any chance of a few more screen grabs, goldenpeach? Sounds perfectly kerbal! You can change it in the config if you like, B787_300. The value for rollingResistance will give you forward friction. Try a value of 40 or 50 to start, maybe
  11. I'm really interested to see your source, as I think it'll solve a few problems for a project of mine. Looking forward to the link Thanks for posting what you have already!
  12. Cool, you're using them as landing gear! Actually, that's my fault. Kinda technical, but to do with the infuriating way Unity wheel colliders default to the fully compressed position when they aren't in contact with anything. I fixed it once, then redid the suspension code and was too lazy/forgot to fix it in the new code. They should come back to life when you land? I'll revisit that, it does need fixing.
  13. Ah, wouldn't surprise me if the sound stuff is causing an issue. I was worried that lots of wheel colliders would be a problem (there are nine on each of those track units in your screen grab), but they appear to be very slick, and that's actually the first report of a performance problem I've had reported. Keep me posted!
  14. Me either, just idle musing of a bored modder. Can't wait! That's an interesting one... We did do some soak testing, but never managed to get anything to slow down appreciably. Unless it's maybe a sound channel overload! Try deleting the sounds, I believe it'll just stop bothering to try playing them, but keep an eye in the log for other funnies.
  15. It's a little bit more than a rehash by some modders, it's the original guys with original art They even got the old voice actors in. I can't tell explain how much I've been looking forward to it, I loved the originals, and they're still my favourite games of all time. This is well worth a watch: http://m.ign.com/videos/2015/01/26/homeworld-remastered-37-minutes-of-gorgeous-hd-gameplay-pax-south-2015
  16. Nope, afraid not. 1.8d is just a texture update and adding the orientation markers for those that couldn't mount the wheels the correct way up. Unless I get a major second wind, that's probably all that'll get released - the rest is experimental or not up to standard and I lack the motivation to mess with any more. Besides, Homeworld gets released next week, and I intend to spend a lot of time enjoying playing through it all over again
  17. Things are always going to die down while I'm not actually doing any development... I guess it's a sign of a job well done that most people seem to be getting on fine with the mod and stuff is working as it should! The arrows are on the hitch because it needs to be in a specific oriention to couple, and the models don't give you that on their own. Very much a proof of concept. The latest version is truly game breaking because I was idly messing trying to solve the time warp problem.
  18. Rotate it 90 degrees in Unity before writing? Keep the GO with part tools applied in the default orientation, child your mesh to it and rotate.
  19. KW and B9 are both large. Make sure you've got the 1.8d release of KF.
  20. Happens to the best of us In case you missed them, nli2work made an excellent series of IVA YouTube's which covers this quite well, and they're bang up to date. You'll find links in the mod dev sticky.
  21. Please read the bug reporting instructions in the OP. Figuring out what might be wrong is impossible with no information.
  22. We had a chat on Skype about a few things while I was working on the space tug with him. Haven't heard from nli2work for some time, though.
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