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Everything posted by lo-fi

  1. Haha. Bring it on! Small wheel is progressing, though I'm not happy with the aesthetic of the suspension arms yet. I couldn't get the bendy ones to work how I wanted because Unity seems to handle the skinned mesh a little different to Max and it just doesn't look right, so it's now centreless with the suspension inside the wheel. Anyone got a little more inspiration for funky wheels or suspension designs?
  2. That looks wicked! Yeah, docs are something I need to do. Been requested a couple of times now, if only for config bashing. Lots of configuration options because the new modules are designed to be general purpose, so needs a bit of explanation. I'm heartened by the lack of bug reports for 1.7 so far, much as I don't want to jinx things
  3. Hi I'm having trouble uploading a new .zip. I emailed support@ a few days ago, but have yet to hear anything back and I still can't upload as of a few minutes ago: Once I’ve selected the zip file and hit the Publish button, the progress bar gets to 100% and a little box underneath says ‘undefined’ in pink. Tried Chrome and IE - same behaviour, except Chrome just gave the pink box without the undefined message. Any ideas? Many thanks
  4. Glad you like the sounds let us know how you get on a Laythe, that will be interesting! I've noticed the trip too, it always seems to be in the same places. I was wondering if the collider for the ground is actually a whole bunch of colliders and its the seams they're tripping on. Stock do the same, just less, and interestingly, the suspension settings will update at that point, which means the raycast has hit nothing for a frame. Any extra info gratefully received! Oh, that I've been able to do for ages
  5. Hope so My direction at this point is to go for different. It's doing crazy stuff and pushing the bounds of what might or might not be possible that has got me this far, so I might as well press on and see what happens. So easy to create stuff now I'm not tied into the stock wheel module, it makes all those hours slaving over the code absolutely worth it. Things just seem to evolve!
  6. They seemed kinda... Kerbal? Slightly wacky and different I guess. By the way, just threw together this little proof of concept:
  7. Hehe. Good luck! Larger craft tended to be better in the water, I found. 1.7 link is in the OP. Please, please, please read the release and install notes. Brand new part modules = bugs interesting features. A lot of effort has been put into testing, but there will, no doubt, be something we missed or didn't think of, so please file sensible bug reports if you find something. Either way, enjoy
  8. ModulePropeller: most tracks already have it, wheels may not (but should do - might be an oversight). I will get around to documenting my modules at some point, I swear! It will work with anything running ModuleTrack, all you need to define in the config is the propellerForce. I've been so busy, I forget about some of the stuff I've created! Yep, that's sort what I have in mind. Along with funky suspension never seen in KSP before as far as I know...
  9. I think a lifetime spent fiddling with wheels, tracks and the like - be they Lego, RC, full scale or otherwise - kinda helps. Really enjoying creating this stuff, particularly the technical parts. I just wish I was a bit more artistically gifted for the texturing side of things. I think I might make a wheel sort of RoveMax M1 size next, possibly retracting. Back to part production now the plugin is looking stable!
  10. Hehehe. Not quite the answer to life the universe and everything... But close Glad you like the APU. Its output/consumption can be fiddled with in the config, either by modifying the engine parameters or the alternator module, so I'm open to suggestions. Small tracks just went into dev, though untextured. http://i.imgur.com/slDqDQz.png"]
  11. Cheers buddy. Just added the fairing to the small tracks, really happy with how it's looking. The actual sound themselves will need some work - they're just placeholders for something better so I could figure out how the effects module works. They're OK, but not great. Suggestions and submissions very, very welcome. I should have known you'd have a Delorean Wow, that's quite a piece of work! People are doing some incredible stuff with this game. I know some moan about it sometimes, but I think (having delved into it) that using Unity was a genius idea. There's so much info and existing work to draw upon, it's really easy to get set up and running. Simple? Like anything, it is when you know how I still can't upload the latest version to KerbalStuff, there seems to be some kind of unspecified error. Put in a support request last night and waiting to hear back.
  12. The effects module makes it ridiculously easy to add sounds, I should have done so before. Still work to do on the wheels; I've got a sound that changes pitch as speed increases, the next step is a motor acceleration sound, then maybe sliding. Making the clips is the hardest part. I've never actually looked at what kerbpaint actually does - I think I ought to! Correct. Which is why its been tricky creating some! But it does now appear to work... I'll try the upload again this morning. Patience, mekan1k
  13. Yeah, I've had good feedback, fixed loads of bugs, added a few cool bits (like sounds) and was trying to upload this eve. Thanks they will be in 1.8, along with landing skids, repulsor wheels and probably some more tracks I have yet to create. Getting quite quick at it now, that only took me an hour or so. I did re-use a lot of bits from the other tracks, though that's easily changed - it's the method that's important.
  14. I broke KerbalStuff trying to do so, gave up and made some small tracks instead, just to see how they would work: Pretty well, actually This set will have a nice fairing that covers the upper part.
  15. Couldn't be any more Kerbal Sure I've seen a Delorean or two around... MSI afterburner is a great free tool that video grabs video from KSP ready for direct upload to YouTube - it's what all mine are made with. Just in case you fancy having a go
  16. Will have a look when I have a free moment. I've just done some tidying and updated the dev repo paths so all the sounds will work. The paths seem to need to be specified relative to GameData for some reason. There will probably be a _quiet_1.7 public Release Candidate out later this week, with full release shortly after if the sky doesn't fall on my head.
  17. I tried and couldn't get this to work either. Is it something you can bodge with a few wheel colliders with grip set to zero? I guess it depends what you've got in mind?
  18. Cheers dude, this is proving very interesting. Regarding the high vis driving cab, I believe Spanner has something particularly cool in the works, and after nli2work produced an excellent IVA tutorial, I'm itching to give it a go. The only thing that puts me off is the sheer amount of work with all the props and whatnot. One not to start until I've cleared some other stuff! Great to know the repulsors are coming in handy for landing too
  19. Oh, now that's a tricky one... One I think could only be solved with IR. Passing the suspension travel info back to the 'suspension' part would be tricky.. Increasing the suspension travel on a wheel is easy via plugin, though, but with the usual way of rigging it tends to make the suspension look all disjointed - that's why I went out of my way to develop my alternative method and get away with massive travel. The ASET wheels are fantastic, like all his stuff. I might have a poke about, see what's under the hood and what happens when driven with KF plugin The design ought to allow for some decent travel!
  20. Its what Jeb is best at. That's good to hear, I'm quite happy with it all. Just got wheel sounds nailed, it's brilliant not having silent parts anymore. That's interesting, I'll have a look. Sounds like it needs tweaking. Thankfully, I've found my plug-in flexible enough to run wheels from other packs, or even stock I'll have a think about the suspension height control, it might not be too hard.
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