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Everything posted by lo-fi

  1. So I had an idea myself for how to implement this, took me a few hours last night: Don't mean to tread on your toes, just thought I'd share. This is using part of my forthcoming open-source ModuleWheel (just normal stuff to map the suspension movement to the mesh, rotate wheels, steering etc.), what you might call a 'standard' KSP wheel or landing gear hierarchy in Unity (well understood and very easy IMHO) and an FXModuleLookAtConstraint called in the .cfg. No animations were used in the making of this production (though one is still needed to animate the retract process as usual). I've not actually bothered to make the wheelmesh rotate for the demo, but this is trivial. The tyres will even spin up when each individual set hits the ground, and the swing arm will also follow changes in the angle of the aircraft against the runway Apologies for abusing the mesh, CK! Rigging the actual main gear model this way would now be incredibly simple. Nose gear is working too. Thoughts?
  2. WOW!!!!! Absolutely love the designs, we ought to have themed design challenges more often Just realised I forgot to hit the commit and sync buttons for the repulsor energy update. Sorry guys, one mo! EDIT: Done, should be better now.
  3. I found it would let me revert sometimes and not others, with no clear reason why or not. Log just shows CRASH!!
  4. I'd abandon it entirely here, it's not needed here. None-the-less, it gets folded away when the retract happens, so it's not the collision enhancer it ends up sitting on...
  5. Interesting results! OK, so it's definitely sitting some something other than what we want it to, which seemed to be those transforms. I can't currently see a good way around that, I have to admit.
  6. In all the reading I've done, Unity wheelcolliders ignore physics materials, which is why you have to script in changes in grip. Weird, weird behaviour! You're not calling anything stock that's wheel related either, which makes it even more weird. Having said that, your suspension code runs its own raycast. Add in a print(_wheel.rpm) line into OnUpdate and see what you get. If zero (or nullref) you're onto a false positive... I'm just musing, be interested to see what that comes up with.
  7. Sorry, just cleared my inbox. Stupid limit! Its sitting on the mesh collider on the wheels (remove). You're not going to get very far unless the wheelcolliders are enabled, crash or no I'm afraid. Once the mesh collider is out of the way, its somehow sitting on the transforms of any gameobjects below the wheelcollider, CONTACT included, which is really bad news for your implementation. I have no idea how as those objects don't have colliders of any kind, but that's definitely what's going on :/ Edit. The wabbling was caused by grip settings: Usual Asymptote grip value is half Extremum grip - I got that one sorted early on.
  8. Yep, will be on YouTube forevermore shortly You're very welcome! Do post up what you're working on.
  9. Very cool! Thanks for the reminder, I still need to look into that bug.
  10. My bad, the energy consumption was fifty times what it should have been! I'll issue an update shortly. I changed it to drain the battery quicker to test the out of energy retraction and forgot to set it back to the proper value. Well, Madrias.... I've yet to see the repulsors used with BahamutoD's armoury
  11. Great, that's exactly why I wanted to do the tutorial. Glad you found it helpful
  12. Just got in, will look at the power drain issue promptly. Sounds like I borked something!
  13. I'll take a look at what you posted, see what I can find out for you. Been down this road myself, just not with gear. Lets get this nailed!
  14. How on Kerbin do you manage to get these problems? I've had none of that in my testing, and nothing from the other crew. Did you break the golden rule and use a craft made with a previous version? I'll need some logs, which version you were using and probably some video please. They shouldn't be any different from the normal repulsors as they use the same module - the only real difference is mesh and alignment.
  15. Yep, I'll have the low profile surface mount version out very soon, so no clipping required. About to look at how this TweakScale malarkey works over the weekend and I think that's the final thing on the to-do list before I send out the next release. Brilliant speeder, looks fantastic. @sumghai : A re-brand, eh? I really like that, though. Tbh, I was considering dropping the 'Kerbal' out of the name as a read a post somewhere from Squad gently suggesting that they're not so keen on its use in mod names. Terramax it is, fully credited. Thank you! The foundries thing comes from my love of heavy engineering, inspired by the Vulcan Foundry of old that produced so many of the steam engines that can still be found in all corners of our globe. -------------------------------------------------------------- They're gone, right? I'll tempt fate: time for a snack run
  16. The fix is easy, you just have to make the cylinder and rod a tiny bit longer: Seems visually better than some of the other options. Do you want the updated file? It'll come back in 3ds, fbx or dae etc. - I'm afraid Blender gives me a migraine every time I open it Edit: Stunning work, btw. Not usually my kind of thing, but I'm looking forward to this. Realised I hadn't chimed in before Edit2: One final thought: The mechanism at the top of the the leg looks suspiciously like it's designed to spread out left and right, essentially shortening the leg as it goes into the bay. Is this actually what's going on? If you like, I'll pop up to Duxford and chat one of the stuff into letting me into the gear bay to take some photographs. Any excuse to get up to Duxford.
  17. Take a look at my AlphaModuleTrack class. Its commented, you'll find the this.vessel.CtrlState.foo stuff quite easy to hook into and the brakes action group is in there too. Very, very easy compared to what you've just tackled. Anything I can help with, just shout. Skylon gear looks superb! Edit: this.vessel.ctrlstate.wheelsteer is what you're looking for (from memory, probably missing some caps). I'd maybe look at implementing a speed based steeringcurve lookup too, which again you can find in the alpha tracks for quick reference.
  18. You two crack me up Where did the whole Jeb and snacks thing come from anyway? Somehow the origin has completely passed me by..
  19. Absolutely first class work! For the retract animation conumdrum, see BahamutoD's critter crawler. He tackles this in a very clever way (in case you haven't already). Edit: I might have misunderstood what you're trying to do, but it's worth a peek either way. Looking forward to seeing this.
  20. Thanks Damaske Nice idea, but my track plugin doesn't support dual tracks on one part currently. Have several ideas for how to do it, but its going to take considerable work and adds a lot of complication, which, of course, leads to more bugs. I'll get there eventually
  21. Which version of Unity are you using?
  22. Also, based on Kerbtown: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46643-Kerbin-City-Community-Project And a warm welcome
  23. No, not at all! Maybe a Tuesday next time? I went for Thursday because I don't normally ride on Thursday (even horses need a day off), but its no major bother to switch that around.
  24. Seems to be fine, I've had no issues so far
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