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Everything posted by AcHayes

  1. Every time i Eva my steps or ladder seem to have my kerbal stuck in space. i can go down fine with a firm grip on the space ship but i cant go up at all. It has limited me to only explore bodies that have no atmosphere and im running thin on such places. If anyone has any idea why this glitch is happening or a particular mod that may cause such a thing please let me know!
  2. Thanks for the help with the IR telescope! i had no idea that i needed the tank in order for it to work. I feel like a dumbass! It seems my problem was with not having remote tech installed for the antenna parts needed for unmanned probes! Thank you again.
  3. Thanks for the help with the IR telescope! i had no idea that i needed the tank in order for it to work. I feel like a dumbass! But on the scan sat do i need the Remotetech mod in order for it to work?
  4. On the screen shots i had totally forgotten i had changed the button! Thanks for that website to host my screen shots!
  5. When i launch sats in orbit they seem to operate normally but im not generating any science or data that is useful in career mode. any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Also if anyone could explain in slow people terms how to post screenshots i would be extremely grateful!
  6. Made it to Duna and Ike last night as well! with one ship HA! and went pack to K and my straps on the parachute broke about 50 meters above the pad! this game tho..
  7. I believe i did have it right. As i said i can see everything in the game but in game the advanced options say i have (0 clips) of the apollo russian and sts missions. No beeps as well but i can navigate through the tool bar. I just tried downloading this mod last night with a number of other mods. I was thinking maybe it was conflicting with one such but it seems as if only 1 file wasnt carrying over into game situations (i.e. sound) but after many attempts i finallly uninstalled all mods and the game. reinstalled it with only the chatter mod. checked the folder structure which was consistent to what was posted and it still didnt work. I really feel as if I am utterly bamboozled trying to navigate through these files to see if I was missing something. Im not an expert or even novice mod installer/file navigator but ive downloaded many mods that work. I dont see why i cant simply unpack the chatter gamedata folder into the KSP game data folder and POUF! Magic! If anyone would want to do a video chat to try and help me that would be great because i feel as if its something im doing or not doing in the beginning stages of the download.
  8. No disrespect at all. I was only saying that Beginners in the game shouldn't try and use that right off the bat. it takes away the whole point of the game at first. BUT when you actually play the game right you have a better appreciation for the fact you can do it without autopilot. it does take some skill to reach planets cold vanilla. with the NASA pack now it became a little bit easier and a little bit harder all at the same time. all i was saying is that if you start off first using Mechjeb it takes away apart of the game in the beginning. The thrill of it. Even for newbies it would take some skill even navigating the mechjeb menu. Its a great mod dont get me wrong i use it often(especially interstellar) i just felt it more gratifying doing the latter.
  9. idg you could say im a veteran player or anything...Ive got pretty far into the Tech Tree and learned how to download mods. Landed on MUN,MINMUS,EVE,and DUNA without any autopilot or mods. Watch alot of Scott Manley and pretty much just learned off of that. Ive watched alot of other ppl's vids but it seems education level is more suited to Scott and even he sometimes speaks jibberish. I dont do any calculations "or know how to nor even want to learn how to." I have trouble downloading some mods like Chatter box and texture replacer. Chatter box works but i dont have any audio carrying over into the game. No beeps no com loops no breathing, but my HUD for the chatter box is on my screen and i can scroll through all the windows and options. If there is a mute button or something please someone save my life! Love KWRockets and Impossible Inovations (Only fun in sandbox. I would consider it cheating In career mode but thats just me.) It is very helpful if your in a rush and just like reading what the corny captions say everytime. I really would like help getting my texture mod working. Everyone on Youtube has AWESOME cloud mods that i WANT!. I could do without all the lights on the planet. I need all the RAM i can get and i mainly try to avoid the night side at all times 1X. This is the first game on the computer I have played religiously since I was 14....... At 15 Call of Duty came out and......yeah. GREEN HATS! DO NOT DOWNLOAD MECHJEB UNTIL U HAVE ACTUALLY DONE SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN! dont be a loser...learn how to play the game right. You wont find a better satisfaction than actually getting somewhere with YOUR MANUVERS and YOUR PLANNING and YOUR LANDING! Well am i just new or do i totally suck? Ive played almost 200hr.
  10. Maybe I'm slow, but i cant hear anything. Ive tried and tried......uninstalled....reinstalled. Am i doing something wrong? I have the menu on my screen. When i go to advanced options I have the apollo ect. voice clips in the menu bar but it says there are none? I dont understand what i could be doing wrong. do i need a sat? do i need a specific com device? do i need to jump off a bridge. HELP! i really want this mod to work.
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