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Everything posted by Ror

  1. Yeah that's what I mean Red Iron Crown And thank you!
  2. After naming my ship and clicking save, I was expecting to see a window open similar to the load button - or even just a confirmation message somewhere e.g. "[ship name] successfully saved" When I first saw the save button, the dark grey colour appeared to suggest it was inactive. It's a pretty similar colour to the background grey bar along the top. Maybe a brighter colour or lighter shade of grey would make it appear "active"? I admit I was foolish for not checking to see if I could load the ship to check if it actually worked, but I just assumed I was unable to save and I went to search the internet for solutions to a problem I didn't even have. Other people had already asked why they couldn't use the save button, so maybe a small confirmation or a different colour might be helpful to some people?
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