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Everything posted by AlexanderTeaH

  1. Erm, all it can get is ~7 m/s... Which makes it face-plant everytime I try to take off.
  2. I'm working on a B-17 that's built similarly, I've been struggling to find an engine capable of lifting my project, however, your work on torque engines inspired me. Expect a ridiculously high-part B-17, coming to the KSP forums near you!
  3. Ah, always nice to meet a vet! I've been playing since 0.13 came out. Welcome to the forums!
  4. It'd probably get used more often if they put fuel in it like the in-line intakes.
  5. I'd love to take a look at some of those weapon configurations! Very nicely done! Could you please post a .craft file?
  6. I remember HOCgaming making a video of the plane and saying that it's the best he'd ever flown. He loved the control and beauty of it. ^^
  7. Ah, I remember being such a huge contributor to the KSP community back in the day, now I'm all but forgotten...
  8. That's ....ing .... compared to the .... I built to transport tanks to Laythe. It was so ugly I never used it again. I wish I still had the .craft file to show a picture of it.
  9. I'd be shocked if anyone attempted this solely for the challenge as it's rather time consuming.
  10. I can't even begin to describe how awesome this is. +1 rep
  11. Through the observation window she saw the sloped planes of the Farside Crater opening in front of her. She made it, they made it. The first Kerbals on the Mun... She suddenly realized, where she was, what had happened. And who else was supposed to be there. In panic she turned around but could not make anything out in the dim light of the Munar lander's emergency illumination. http://i.imgur.com/Ns7EX2f.jpg?1http://i.imgur.com/HNMhRIJ.jpg?1 In panic one thought raced through her mind:Henbrett is dead! >>Henbrett...O my FSM...please, please no...o please FSM, no....<< No response came from the science and flight officers console. >>Henbrett, are you there? Henbrett? HENBRETT! O my FSM! Answer me!<< >>Mhhmhhmmhhhh?<< A groaning came from behind her, roughly from the direction of the East-Kerbian's. >>Oh thank FSM! You are alive! You are alive- WE are alive!<< A seemingly confirmatory grunt came out of Henbrett's part of the lander. >>Mhmhmm...where are we?<< >>Henbrett – we did it, we really did it, we are here! Henbrett- WE ARE ON THE MUN! Pops...I made it!<< http://i.imgur.com/HWyI5li.gif Beautiful.
  12. Nice replica! The F-16 is my fav fighter as well. Talk about old-school.
  13. I'm sorry but none of my cars are "street-legal", or so people have told me.
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