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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Has anyone thought of taking a whack at building a Masten Xephyr XS-1 concept? Would be cool to see the "box wing" in action.
  2. The Saturn V actually got men to the moon, remember? Several times. Nova was an evolving launcher for a mission profile that had to be abandoned because it was not practical. Orion, on the other hand... It was actually more practical if executed properly, meaning MUCH more payload to orbit... and beyond. The pulse units were actually nuclear shaped charges, not bombs in the traditional sense, and the entire workings were being carefully crafted for the rigors of spaceflight. It actually made more sense to scale it up than to scale it down. "No, Orion does not make tons of deadly radioactive fallout. If you launch from an armor plated pad covered in graphite there will be zero fallout. And No, it would not create the apocalyptic horror of EMP making the world's cell phones explode and wiping out the Internet. That's only a problem with one megaton nukes, the Orion's charges are only a few kilotons. Just launch from near the North Pole (at least 276 kilometers from anything electronic) and you'll be fine." - RocketCat from projectrho (Atomic Rockets) http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/realdesigns2.php When the Air Force presented Kennedy plans for their Orion-derived space battleship to fight the Soviets, he balked. Wonder why. The program never recovered. More than 50 years since the Cuban Missile Crisis, yet nuclear pulsed spacecraft STILL cannot be trusted to earthlings. Such a shame.
  3. JaredTheDragon... That's quite the ludicrous spacetruck jalopy you got there... How many redneck kerbals can hitch a ride?
  4. ...When you spend days designing a ridonculous asteroid interceptor spaceship, maneuver to intercept retrograde to it's Kerbin impact trajectory, rendezvous and Klaw to it using FOUR AGU's (hey, the more the merrier, no?)... And then realize that despite an entire suite of scientific instruments, all you can do is EVA and get a surface sample from high space, low space, and in atmosphere, then hang on for dear life as you ride it down to impact. Because your main engines are pointed the same way as your Klaws and cannot redirect jack because they are blocked by... An asteroid!
  5. That easy, eh? Thanks, guys . Can't wait to dive into Beta Than Ever...
  6. Hello all, I've been playing version 0.23.5 since May 2014 and want to get started on a 0.90 game without losing anything from what I already have. What is the best way to install a new version separately without conflicting with an older one? My specs: Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer) OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit CPU: AMD Athlon II X2 245 Processor (2) RAM: 8192 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 (1974MB) SM: 30 (Direct3D 9.0c [nvd3dum.dll]) The game was bought from kerbalspaceprogram.com and uses the KSP launcher (not steam). Any help would be appreciated. Cheers!
  7. Hello, all. I've been playing the demo for two weeks, stranded Jebediah in a ridiculous retrograde orbit and have been trying to rescue him ever since, to no avail... So I just finally decided to man up and go full throttle with version .23 and try it all in career mode. Glutton for punishment. Cheers!
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