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Everything posted by lid6j86

  1. after doing as jester recommended and reverting KJR to the one listed it seems to be working for now
  2. I'm not using tweakscale at all, I am using procedural, not realism. I saw something suggesting to tweak some settings such as KASModuleMagnet etc... but frankly, I've not messed with mods at all, not sure which config file to find this under.
  3. So, my issue was the KSP Mod Admin. if you are using it, you might have problems. I think just make sure that the Lua scripts folder is directly in gamedata by itself and not under the partcatalog folder is what fixed it for me.
  4. as a follow up 2.4 seems to still work correctly for me in .25
  5. having a similar problem it seems a lot of others are having: i'm using the mod admin v1.4, assigning the 3.0 RC9 into the gamedata folder. When i first enter the VAB or hangar the options window pops up, but if i try to select where the settings tab appears, suddenly the game starts mis-representing my mouse position (i get the button highlight as though my mouse were hovering only if i am about +300px on the X axis, then when I close the menu not only do the part catalog tabs not appear, but all of my tabs to switch through the various part types at the top disappears as well.
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