i'm trying to find mods to increase unload distance, now with 0.9 out and trying a bit of hard mode, i'm trying to do as many of the missions as possible to get some funds, and i've gotten to a point where all the "collect surface temperature/atmospheric data" missions are on mountains, and i cant risk a kerbal landing there. so i came up with the brilliant solution of carpet-dropping small probes on parachutes from my planes... but they despawn 2.5km away before they could land. i googled around and found 2 mods that did this, one was... TTneverunload i think, but that one never got updated to curse, and the other is lazor systems, which has the option to increase "view" distance to 999km, i was hoping this would work, and it sorta did... but it increased the unload distance to 5km only... which is better, maybe now i can do loops around the probe until it lands, but still not ideal. anyone know how to do this? maybe a config file somewhere dictates this?