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Everything posted by Jerec81

  1. I'm sorry if I missed it the solution, really enjoying the Academy but I seem to be stuck on a flight school mission. I can find the first waypoint (training start point) but when I go to the next waypoint (1st waypoint) it won't trigger. I haven't added any mods, it just happened a few days ago. The contract asks for Valentina and Gilorf to be on board (they are, I've tried each as the pilot) I've gotten withing 50m of the waypoint and nada. Since I've already paid the price I really hope I don't have to cancel it. Any help would be great! thanks guys Fly SAFE!
  2. Hey Nightside, So yes to both...kind of..... Basically I want to get the kids to work in pairs to build ships and execute a given mission. One would work as the flight controller / Mission control, the other would be the pilot. Each would take turns. I'm working on a solution for hardware that will output the telemetry and other data to a panel for the mission controller to see and work with. But a key piece for say landing on Minmus would be the communications delay between Mission control and the pilot. Updates on fuel levels or excessive speed while trying to land. I'm working on making good "reasons" to communicate since normally playing KSP it's just you and you controlling everything. I've seen some really cool control panels that work off of telemetry from the game, buttons to stage or open solar panels, throttle, all the stuff you would do on a keyboard. I'd really love for the pilots nav ball to not have node or maneuver data on it and he has to relay on the mission controller to tell him heading, angle and thrust times.....Pie in the sky maybe....but soooooo cool Maybe I just need a hardware solution....a Pi or Arduino between two headsets that just adds a delay based on distance from Kerbin....? I know time delay isn't a real integral part but I think it will help immerse the kids in the situation, help is pretty far away, better plan ahead, kind of deal. I'm quickly getting out of my element here.....
  3. OH la la! Thanks I'm looking for something that will let them actually talk to each other, ala the Martian. So when the pilot asks for some info or something there is a delay before he gets a reply....from the kid sitting next to him lol. I'd really want to them to be able to wear headsets and for the mission controller to have access to all the maps and telemetry so that they have to talk to the pilot and work as a team to complete the mission. Obviously this would only be an issue if they were real far apart.
  4. Hey Kerbies, I apologize if there is already a post about this, I couldn't find it when I did a quick search. Does any one know of a mod or method to add delay to a radio signal? I'm trying to implement a after school program using KSP for my local schools and REALLY want to expose the kids to time delay communications the farther the get away from Kerbin. Working on a mission control/Pilot setup. Any thoughts would be awesome! Thanks in advance!!
  5. I'm also having trouble. I'm at 100km above kerbin incline = 89.80 degrees I've got power and solar panels and a com when I click orbital survey after it's opened nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
  6. Hey Guys, I was just thinking that it would be really awesome if there was a way to build ships on the fly, outside of KSP and then have them load into it when you open the game. So for instance, I could be on the train and get an idea for a ship and use my ipad (or something similar) to put the this together and save it to a cloud or email or what ever. Then when I get home and open KSP it would check my cloud/email/whatever and download any new ships for final edit and launch. Something like a VAB app or SPH app...... I would think, and maybe incorrectly, that since there's no ships being flown the program doesn't have to work as hard. It's just keeping track of stats for each part and how they are being put together.... Is something like that even possible? I'm no programmer so I'm sorry if what I'm talking about hurt anyone's brain.
  7. Awesome guys! Thanks! Hopefully that will fix everything! - - - Updated - - - SUCCESS!!! THANK YOU!! I've been in KSP withdrawal!
  8. Right now I have no mods running and it's still happening...I've tried reinstalling does it need a restart? Here's the log https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34783064/output_log.txt
  9. I unziped the files, copied the "KerbalEngineer" folder into the GameData folder and then tried to run KSP. I didn't use any of the other files or folders that were with the .zip I've used other mods in the past on my previous windows installation. Since the last time I used it I upgraded my hard drive to a SSN and upgraded to windows 10. Other than that, same system.
  10. Just downloaded the newest version and when I drop it into the gamedata folder it makes the game cease to work. I'll try to be as descriptive as I can. Specifically in the VAB: It won't correctly load the parts list on the left side. I can't select any items though I can see a few of them listed. If I load a ship it will load but I can't adjust any parts though when my mouse goes over them they down highlight and their name appears I can't make any adjustments to the staging order on the right. I can select an item but can't move it or remove it. I only have this mod running. I'm on windows 10 all system specs are above minimum. Let me know if you need any more info. Hopefully this is just a quick fix! I love this mod
  11. What I would like, and I've no idea how hard or easy it would be to do, is to have 1 pc running KSP and display it on two monitors. One view being the Pilot's view in the cockpit and the other being the map view for a Mission Control view. I'm working on some joysticks for the pilot for control of the vehicle and want the other view to be for the other support players. So mission control would be able to set maneuver nodes and see the whole solar system and mission objectives. The Pilot would then pilot the ship to achieve the goals. Any idea's? I looked through the forums and didn't see anything that would do what I wanted but I may have missed something. Thanks guys!!!
  12. First I'll try un-tracking them.... Then I'll see if changing their discovery state helps. I'm open to any thoughts on why the sudden slow down....I happened right after I started tracking over 40 asteroids. I was at 35 for a long time and didn't really notice anything...
  13. Recently I noticed a massive slow down in the way my KSP runs. It happened right after I started tracking more asteroids in the NASA Missions. I figure it's because the game needs to track more objects and I just hit it's upper limit with that. So I opened up the persistent files on my HD and I'm looking for the sections that tell KSP which potato shaped objects have been tracked and which are still unidentified. I took out the NASA missions to check if that would help and it did but most of my ships use sections from it and I really like the redirect missions I just don't need to track 40 asteroids at the same time. 1 or 2 would be fine. Any one know how to make those changes? I found where the asteroids are kept in the file themselves I just don't know which values to change. Hope that makes sense. I'll try to get screen shot or something to make it more clear.
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