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Posts posted by FleshJeb

  1. With 1 gazzillion biomes available in the game, I want to make a case (again) for a plugin that can plot a ballistic trajectory.

    I like flying with Mechjeb, but it lacks that function (or I have not found it).

    I imagine having a base with EPL on a planet or moon and launching little probes to the various biomes and/or anomalies. WIN! :D


    While landed

    Landing Guidance - Pick landing coordinates on map.

    Look at heading to pink target on nav ball. (This is not QUITE as efficient as a Great Circle course, but it works.)

    Either use ascent guidance to start a launch to that heading (then turn it off), or do it manually

    Landing guidance - Turn on predictions.

    Open map screen.

    Manually fine tune suborbital hop until the prediction is a few km past landing site and within your engines' capability to slow down.

    Hit Land at Target.

  2. Complex and interesting.. I like your mission profile! :cool: But the only part that needs to be recovered on Kerbin is the CM/Lumex minishuttle. The Munar descent/landing stage is left on the Mun.

    Thanks. :) I think I'm going to try to stick to the spirit of the challenge/realism and not focus on the points. No jets, no munar jetpacks; 1960s tech and techniques; minimize dV/mass; add safety, redundancy and the ability to complete/survive the mission in case of malfunction.

    I assume the Armstrong Memorial counts as an Anomaly? I can hit that one from memory, it requires minimal inclination change, and it's near the edge of two biomes.

    Crap, now I need to download 0.90...

  3. How 60s NASA-y do you want it? I can easily build an SSTM and back spaceplane that will double as a rover. 100% recovery - fuel

    If that's too cheaty, may we recover our Kerbin Ascent / Munar Transfer stage separately? I'm thinking free-return trajectory to the Mun, and land that with parachutes or powered.

  4. Yeah, I realise they run on a bit. The ones I'm doing today are getting edited down; I recorded an hour-long commentary, then realised that it sucked, so I cut the vid down to 30 minutes and I'm about to redo the voiceover.

    I'm new to the whole DIY video thing; the last time I recorded video involved a TV crew.

    Glad y'all are liking them, though. :)

    What's better: building, flying, or building then flying?

    No sweat. Gotta start somewhere, and they're quite good.

    Build & Fly, but use time acceleration liberally.

    Or instead of monoprop engines, sepratrons. Because who doesn't love RATOL?

    Manley did it:

  5. Just watched the Gull vids--The insights were great, but the failures were fascinating. I can't run FAR (I'm already lagging above 75 parts), so it's really interesting to see how it all works.They could do with some editing or time compression. (I realize that's more work for you). That said, having the whole mission in real-time allows a lot more detailed and interesting commentary. :)

    --"The next minute or two would have had to be entirely language-filtered."

    --Jebediah's PTSD

    --"The metaphysical nature of Kerbal resurrection"

  6. Heh All,

    Hope you enjoy this first episode! We'll be jumping on the KSP Teamspeak Server in about an hours time (9am GMT), stop by if you fancy a chat! :wink:


    Holy crap! More please. I was having flashbacks to Saturday morning cartoons, except this was way WAY better. I just want to curl up with a bowl of cereal and watch a whole season of these.

    Also really liked the Pixie Mk2 vid. The music choice was perfect.

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